My Actifit Report Card: maggio 17 2024

in Actifit15 days ago

All photos by @stewie.wieno

My Daily Diary

It was a long and difficult day both at work and after. I managed to take a walk, but the evening show didn't go well. Let's hope the next one goes better.

Another good day to be Alive and Thriving

Today I realised that I can optimise my Actifit reports a bit. I have to work on it, but I think that with a little luck I will be able to achieve a better result

This was Awesome!

I had a show.


Who is stewie.wieno?

Hi, i'm stewie and since I had back problems I realized that I had to take better care of myself. I am very lazy, but following my doctor's advice, I try to focus on getting some activity every day. "Better a little but constant, than a lot once in a while!"

I work in the office, I love travelling, doing improv theater and spending time with my girlfriend. My favorite animal is the giraffe (but I also love dogs) and I'm passionate about home economics and saving.

I discovered Hive in July 2021.

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