Happy Baba Marta! Честита Баба Марта!

in Actifit3 months ago

Today in my country we celebrate Baba Marta. According to an old Bulgarian tradition, on the 1st of March we present martenitsi for health - a decoration made of white and red wool or cotton thread, which are twisted.

The red thread symbolizes blood, strength, life, and the white thread symbolizes purity, light, a new beginning.

According to tradition, martenits are worn until we see a stork or a blossoming tree. Then they are taken down and hung on a tree or placed under a stone.

Честита Баба Марта и бъдете здрави!

Happy Baba Marta and stay healthy!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io



Very nice tradition! I wish someone gave me one !

The tradition is nice, and the martenichki are really wonderful 😍

Честита баба Марта и на вас Europa League Thumbs Up GIF by UEFA

Честит празник! Бъдете здрави цялото семейство 😍

благодаря от името на всички ни 😊

Честита Баба Марта!

Честит празник! Здраве и щастие 😇
