Three Tune Tuesday

in Musiclast month

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I'm getting back to sharing some music, let’s get into it!



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Three Tune Tuesday

Music is one of my favorite things to relax to, as many people can also probably have similar experiences. My musical tastes are incredibly diverse, I think. I can enjoy some really heavy gangster rap (not the radio trash), some metal, country, classical and so many others in between.

One of the coolest things about music is that all of the different kinds have their unique qualities to them and reasons that we listen to them. Some are more chill, others are upbeat and getting you motivated.

There is a post series Three Tune Tuesday by a bunch of people but it's all organized by @ablaze, one of the coolest dudes from Ireland around!

This Week's Choice: Electronic Music

I think that I will try to confine the post to be 2 or 3 songs of the particular topic to keep it shorter and so that people can listen to one or all of the songs without taking too much time!

I'm back with a few tracks of electronic background. These were some awesome tracks, some of them new to me but not necessarily new songs, that I was jamming out to this week during work! The Burak Yeter song is particularly interesting, as it has such a unique sound to it that I loved! These tracks here are all of the mellow electronic type, so I hope you enjoy them!

Way more important to me though, is sharing a song with me! It doesn't have to be anything related at all to what my choices are but I would love for you to share a song or two with me!

Burak Yeter - Tuesday

Miguel Angel Flores - Paris

Parra for Cuva - Wicked Games

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Notice I sat this one out, since I over posted last week.

But WTF did I just listen too..?

Not my style. I will pass on these ones.

I did try to listen tho...


Hahaha thanks for giving it a whirl man, I suspected that this wasn’t your jam but it’s all good! I like going alllllll over the place with my music choices! Who knows next week it might be Dean Martin, or maybe Fivr Finger Death Punch?! :D

How about FFDP sings Dean Martin..?

They did a great job with the Bad Company/Bad Company cover tune.

Paris is my favorite here
Sounds well and fits in my mood

Yeah that song is really popular right now! I like it, but Tuesday is certainly my current favorite!

I love your choice of song for these weeks TTT, they are songs with direct sense of understanding and they have a lot of clarity. Good choice my friend.

Thanks, the songs were indeed great!

Burak Yeter song, Tuesday fits perfectly with the three tune Tuesday. : )
great choice my friend. : )
Listening to them while posting this comment. hahah

Hahaha yeah I was just jamming out to that song earlier as well! It's really an interesting song, I quite like it! Glad you enjoyed!

Hey @cmplxty i want to thank you for sharing these insightful music. Especially the second one from Miguel flores-parish.
I have been hearing the song in many posts but I have never been able to get the title.
Also you are right when you say that electronic music is very interesting.
I personally enjoy it in my sports time.
Thanks again!

Haha yeah I've been hearing it a lot myself! I stumbled upon it a while ago when it popped into my music playlist on one of my apps, and this was before it became a song people were putting into all kinds of videos. It's a great track!