Completed Collection: Svalbard

in Music4 years ago (edited)


Another (currently) completed discography. I say 'currently' as they are still a relatively young band and I expect more releases from them at some point in the future.

Regular readers know I like my music to be weird and interesting, and that generally means songs of 6 mins plus (and some of Opeths epics are over 15mins). This generally gives time for the music to grow and develop over the course of the song.

But I do like to change it up, and sometimes I want some short, hard and to the feckin' point!

Introducing Svalbard. A young-ish band from the UK who play a very distinctive brand of Post-hardcore with punk and black metal influences and elements of shoe-gazz thrown in for good measure. Its not easy listening at times, but then I never said I wanted easy, where's the fun in that?

All 3 albums have just 8 songs each, and all are roughly 35 minutes long.

The main vocalist is Sereena Cherry who is apparently very angry, very shouty and socially conscious to boot.

This shouldn’t have to be a battle
This shouldn’t have to be said
I expect equal respect
Nothing more
Nothing less
So I can’t hide my disappointment
When you reduce me to my sex

lyrics from Expect Equal Respect


The first two albums sound quite similar, and to be honest the songs are quite interchangeable. The third album When I Die, Will I Get Better, which was released earlier this year marked a change of direction and incorporated a lot more instrumental shoe-gaze into the mix, and even some clean vocals. Don't get me wrong, its still very aggressive, but the album feels more balanced between hard and soft.

The lyrics also take a change in direction, with an increased attention towards Mental Health,

These lyrics from Silent Restraint below were particularly poignant at the moment

You will smile again
As you try to convince yourself it's real
You will keep forcing it
Until forcing it is all you remember how to feel
You will smile again
For the sake of them
It's just selflessness and depression
Going hand in hand again

The first 2 albums were pretty good, but the 3rd has taken them to another level, and I often put the third one When I Die... on repeat for days at a time. Hopefully they can keep growing as musicians and writers and I look forward to the next album when ever that appears.

Oh and if you enjoyed these videos and want to support the band properly, you can go check them out at their Bandcamp page, because in these desperate times music needs supporting too!

Thanks for reading... I'll finish with a selection of some of the better videos available on Youtube

Full version of the 3rd Album can be listened to here:

Recommended Listening:


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I like the music especially the second track, but he's a little shouty for me. If he did a live gig, I would imagine he wouldn't be able to talk for days.

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