Metal Weekend 19th September: music to edit to...

in Music4 years ago

Crikey! Its been awhile since I posted on this account!

It was initially set up as a back up for my main account @dannewton, I still aimed to be vaguely active here.... I've been busy doing other stuff.

Never mind, I am here now. I have a rare weekend off, and I'm using it to crack on with editing images from a recent Photoshoot.


As it is the weekend I might as well share what I am listening to while I'm editing as part of the #metalweekend tag. My taste in music is generally a bit odd and extreme... but when I want background music I stick to some easy listening stuff.

I say easy listening, these still pack a punch... but they have lyrics I can mumble along to, and guitar solos I can hum. Stuff that helps the time go by while I focus on the task in hand.

Todays choices are 2 albums from Paradise Lost and 1 album from Moonspell. They both play different brands of Gothic Metal. Paradise Lost are arguably the better known of the two bands, and I have several of their albums.

Extinct by Moonspell was bought almost on a whim, as I found the Cover Art intriguing. No regrets on that, its a fantastic album.

Full album below:

Paradise Lost - Don't Belong from the self-titled album

Paradise Lost - Symbol of Life (full album)

I'll leave you to enjoy those, I've gotta crack on with getting these pictures edited!

Check my other account @dannewton for more pictures if you are interested... if not then no worries, I'll post again next week.

Jade edit.PNG


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I'm a simple man. I see moonspell,I Upvote !tip

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