Travel with less, enjoy more [Esp-Eng]


Edited VistaCreate

When I was a child there were special times when we would go on family vacations, usually visiting rural and nature filled places, since we lived in the bustling city, but we were a relatively large family and we always arrived with a lot of suitcases, plus handbags and the occasional purse as well.

Surprisingly at the last minute there was always something else missing to put in the bags, things that looking at it from a different perspective now, were super unnecessary. But although we enjoyed the trips when we arrived, the truth is that things would have been much better if we had not taken so many things. For the trip there and back was always complicated and even heavy.

Maybe because we confuse being cautious with needing all the things that are in our house to feel comfortable. The fact is that I have beautiful memories of those trips I made with my family, but I also remember my dad saying "Why so many suitcases? Are we moving?" At the time I didn't understand him But my dad was the one who carried almost everything heavy it was always logical for him to ask.


Growing up I followed that habit of carrying too much when traveling, but on several occasions I had to carry all the weight of my suitcases myself, which honestly was torture and left me sore for several days. So I realized that travel could be much more enjoyable if we carried less bags, in fact I fantasized along the way that I was traveling with nothing, especially because there was a time when the authorities checked the luggage at every checkpoint, practically every half hour of travel.

With all these bad experiences, not only did I no longer feel like carrying luggage, but I also had too much trouble on the road. So I tried to improve in that aspect, to take only what was necessary on a trip and above all that what I took did Growing up I followed that habit of carrying too much when traveling, but on several occasions I had to carry all the weight of my suitcases myself, which honestly was torture and left me sore for several days. So I realized that travel could be much more enjoyable if we carried less bags, in fact I fantasized along the way that I was traveling with nothing, especially because there was a time when the authorities checked the luggage at every checkpoint, practically every half hour of travel.

With all these bad experiences, not only did I no longer feel like carrying luggage, but I also had too much trouble on the road. So I tried to improve in that aspect, to take only what was necessary on a trip and above all that what I took did not occupy too much space. A small suitcase with few clothes and well folded, after all, wherever we are, clothes can be washed.


When traveling with less, I realized that the way to our destination does not have to be too uncomfortable and more tiring than it should be, carrying a small bag is enough to carry the necessary, and in my case, I try to leave a small space, because for sure I will want to bring something back.

Two months ago I traveled with my husband and although the trip was 12 hours long, we were calm along the way, we were not so stressed and we could enjoy more, without having bad memories of a stormy road. Besides, we were calm because our bags were with us in our seats, instead of in the trunk, where sometimes luggage gets lost.

Anyway, when we pack only the necessary things go better. Of course, here in Venezuela for example, traveling with less implies several things, for example, before traveling we investigated well the cost of things, we made sure that the price of food and medicines was affordable, we also asked how the weather was to see what clothes we would take and how was the territory to choose the shoes we would use.

Everything on the trip went well and we enjoyed it to the fullest, I am not saying that if we had taken more luggage we would not have enjoyed it, but I feel that we avoided many inconveniences and also physical discomfort by carrying too much weight, nothing is worth more than to go quietly and get to the site without so much hustle and bustle. Definitely, when less stuff goes in the suitcase, more beautiful memories come with us.


-Content entirely of my authorship and inspiration.
-Original text in Spanish, translated at DeepL.
-Personal photographs, taken with my Huawei p30 Lite phone.
-Banners made with Vistacreate.

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Traveling with less is always my go to as well. Although like you said, you sort of need to know how much things would cost as you'd ended up buying them when you need the things.

Yes, it also requires effort and good planning to have a quiet and comfortable trip, because there is a lot to consider. But I think it is worth it, it is certainly more enjoyable. Thanks for reading me, hugs.