Colorful Joy

Back to the exciting world of photography and those sessions full of color and joy that I know you love my friends.

My client today is this fellow full of so much joy that he's able to transmit it to everyone around him. And his constantly upbeat mood is not just about physical and facial expressions. He was also showing it in the way he dressed and in his carefree and at times creative attitude, all of which helped me a lot to get beautiful photos.

Although the day was cloudy, that's no problem at all for me. In fact I even prefer it that way because the clouds act as a giant diffuser of the sunlight, making it very soft and even all over the place.

Without further ado, I'm presenting you the results of this photoshoot that I loved from start to finish. Enjoy!


Awesome shots and definitely a lot of color and joy in this shoot!

Thanks my friend! That's always the idea and what's all about 😉👍👌🤗