Visual Pleasures of the First Frosty Morning

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

I don't want to sound too presumptuous, but I really love this first image ! There's the smoke from the neighbour's house that gets lost in the sky, all those autumn colors and variations. But perhaps it's almost more the context that adds a flavor of delight to this image.

It was almost this time last year that we visited the house for the first time, but I'd never seen the garden with a layer of frost on the plants...

Oh, and the sound of solidified water crackling under my feet... What a pleasure !




I got up just before sunrise and started by relighting the stove. All the curtains were drawn and I had to go outside to realise that the whole garden landscape had come to a standstill.

Even the few birds that passed through the sky did so with respectful discretion, as if they too didn't want to disturb anything.



The greenhouse was also completely encased in ice and I immediately thought that this was an excellent indicator of the right time - or not, in this case - to plant our first seedlings !




It's as if each plant species had been frozen in its sleep, just in the position where the frost had caught it... I really like this lovely, softly curving clump in the image above, and now that I've seen it again in the warmth of the stove, I'm a bit sorry I didn't have more fun taking it.

Probably from closer up, even though the lens I'm currently using is a 35mm mounted on my Nikon D5500 body, which is the only lens I'm using at the moment, and I have to say I'm absolutely amazed of its capabilities, size and weight !


Then, all of a sudden, the sun came up and all the colors just reappeared ! With the light and its direct rays, thousands of sparkles began to play on each molecule of frozen dew, but I have to say that here again, I could have tried harder to capture this !



Of all the plants, I think I liked the nettles the most. Maybe because, even when they're not frozen, I love these plants, and one of the reasons is that most people don't seem to like them.

Yet they're an amazing source of protein and even their stings are good for circulation and joint pain. Frankly, what more could we ask for ?

But perhaps what I love most about this is the fact that every detail is captured in the mirror, making their little needles stand out.



Here are two umbellifers, always so graphic and with their natural snowflake shapes...


But I can't resist bringing out a little nettle, even if it's mixed with a little frosted mint too !


Unsurprisingly, the ground beneath the apple tree is not frozen at all. Just goes to show, whether it's hot or cold, it's always a good idea to plant trees that create a micro-climate under their foliage !

I hope you enjoyed this cold morning visit and I wish you an excellent and beautiful day, take good care of yourself,



All the texts and images presented here are my own.

Je ne voudrais pas me montrer trop présomptueux, mais j'adore vraiment cette première image. Il y a la fumée de la maison des voisins qui se perd dans le ciel, toutes ces couleurs et variations de l'automne. Mais c'est peut-être encore presque plus le contexte qui ajoute une saveur de délice à cette image.

En effet, c'est presque à cette période l'année dernière que nous avions visité la maison pour la première fois, mais je n'avais jamais vu le jardin avec une petite couche de gel sur les plantes...

Oh, et ce son de l'eau solidifiée qui craque sous mes pas.. Quel véritable délice !




Je me suis levé juste avant le lever du soleil et j'ai commencé par rallumer le poêle. Tout les rideaux étaient tirés et il a fallu que je sorte pour me rendre compte que tout le paysage du jardin s'était figé.

Même les rares oiseaux qui passaient dans le ciel le faisait avec une discretion empreinte de respect, comme si eux aussi ne voulaient rien déranger.



La serre aussi était toute prise dans les glaces et j'ai immédiatement pensé que c'était un excellent indicateur du moment favorable - ou non, en l'occurence - pour faire nos premiers semis !




C'est comme si chaque espèce végétale avait été figé dans son sommeil, juste dans la position où le gel l'avait surpris... J'aime beaucoup cette belle touffe aux rondeurs souples sur l'image juste au dessus et maintenant que je l'a revoit bien au chaud devant le poêle, je regrette un peu de ne pas m'être plus amusé davantage à la prendre en photo.

Probablement de plus près, même si l'objectif que j'utilise actuellement est un 35mm monté sur mon boîtier Nikon D5500. C'est d'ailleurs le seul objectif que j'utilise en ce moment et je dois dire que j'en suis proprement stupéfait !


Puis, d'un coup, le soleil s'est levé et toutes couleurs ont justement réapparues ! Avec la lumière et ses rayons directs, des milliers de scintillements se sont mis à jouer sur chaque molécule de rosée gelée, mais je dois dire que là encore, j'aurais pu davantage tenter de capturer cela !



De toutes les plantes, je pense que ce sont les orties qui m'ont le plus plus plût. Peut-être par ce que même sans qu'elles soient gelées, j'adore ces plantes et une des raisons, c'est sûrement que la plupart des gens semblent ne pas les aimer justement.

Pourtant, c'est une étonnante source de protéines et même leurs piqûres sont bénéfiques pour la circulation et les douleurs articulaires. Franchement, que demander de plus ?

Mais ce que j'aime le plus dans ce contexte-là, c'est peut-être le fait que chaque détail soit pris dans la glace qui fait ressortir leurs petites aiguilles.



Voilà deux ombellifères, toujours si graphiques et avec leurs formes naturelles de flocons...


Mais je ne peux m'empêcher de vous ressortir un peu d'ortie, même si elle est mêlée d'un peu de menthe givrée elle aussi !


Sans surprise, le sol sous le pommier, n'est pas du tout gelé quand à lui. Comme quoi, qu'il fasse chaud ou froid, c'est toujours une bonne idée de planter des arbres qui créaient un micro-climat sous leurs feuillages !

J'espère que vous aurez apprécié cette froide visite matinale et je vous souhaite une excellente et belle journée, prenez bien soin de vous,



Tous les textes et images présentés ici sont les miens.


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Man thanks dear @steemflow 😊

Have a good second part of the week !


I felt the cold in my bones, man. This weather is not the best time to plant seedlings. Maybe you should wait for spring XD Thanks for sharing these great photos with us! Merveilleux :)

Hahah ! I stayed for the two hours before the sun completely raised :)

You're right, but now it's back for a better weather.. for few days ! Maybe I could still try to plant one ore two 😅 ?

Hello, @anttn

I love frosted leaves. I think I never have them in my real life expect from the fridge lol

Thank you for sharing around you.


Haha, you're most welcome :)

Have a good day ahead @sobatkelana !

Beautiful nature spoils the eyes & for myopia sufferers it is very important to be in areas like that often. Apart from calming the soul, it can also be healthy for the eyes :)

I like an environment which is more peaceful than the city

Beautiful to see the difference with the area under the tree.
Such a lovely garden… 🥰

Wow, that frost is amazing! Your photography skills captures my heart and i love those photos you shared.

Thank you 😇 !

You are welcome

Beautiful photos! It's amazing how the weather has changed so fast. I can that autumn is already there

Thank you 😉

And in one month, it will be real winter hehe !

Well, I actually prefer the second image to every other one
It caught my soul
Really nice!

I agree, this one is also nice 😊 Even more cold haha !

Nettle is also great for hair :)
Beautiful frost....

You're right !

How do you use it by the way ? I would probably need a good vivid splash of nettle 😅

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Many thanks 😇😘

It's beautiful... The layers of colour are just sublime. Autumn is so magical..

Yeah, just autumn and spring, if it was like this all the year, this would be fine to me haha ! Never too cold or hot 😅

I agree. I'm not a real fan of summer. I love winter here as it doesn't last as long as in UK and Europe and doesn't get as grey and dark. But over there, ouch. Funny packing for northern hemi here for Feb. I've forgotten I need proper fleeces and gloves and stuff 😂

Yes, in the summer when it's too hot, I just can't do anything except very early or very late in the day!

In fact, here it usually lasts until April. In French, we say "en avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil" :)

For sure you'll need gloves and stuff of that sort hehe !

Frost is always giving a nice impression. 😀 Always worth a picture or two.
Thanks for sharing and take care!

Exactly... Plus I got way more that one or two 😂

I maybe spent two hours outside this morning !

Thanks @aaskablackwolf, take care as well ✌️

I'm not as sure as you, which is the best photo from this collection... As I like closeups, I would pick the first photo of nettles! The frost on the leaves fit perfectly, almost like someone drew those lines around them...

Thanks for sharing!


I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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I kind of agree with you, I did hesitate with the one your talking about :) Those lines are quite supernatural !

Hahan thank you for picking this article and for that gif, it reminds me the winter we spend to watch this 😂

Have a good evening @ph1102 :)

Yay! 🤗
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You're most welcome @jasonmunapasee :))

Thank you 😇

Have a good day ahead ✌️