Photography Lovers Community Curation - 3/16/22

in Photography Lovers2 years ago
Authored by @castleberry

Photography Lovers Curation Report


Hello Photography Lovers! Welcome to another curation report from the community. We are committed to curating the best photography content on the Hive BlockChain as well as fostering engagement within the community. Without you all this community would not be possible. In order to provide you with the highest quality experience, we are diligently seeking not just the best photography or photographers but the best content overall.

We will not be curating single-image posts, especially with little to no description. This community is focused on high-quality content which includes what surrounds the images you share here. If you only have one good image to post, you may consider saving it to put together with your next singles to create a more enriching post altogether. Quality over quantity will provide a more rewarding experience to the whole community in every sense.

Now, after our curators have diligently sifted through the community's posts we have our curation selections to share with you all. Take some time to visit some of this week's featured community members and engage in the posts. Keep up the great work for your chance to be in the next round of curation!


Today's Curation Selections









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@digitalisphilippine birds #031422



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@miroslavrcIt seems like it's Spring


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@alexey1976The wedding ceremony


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@janeteditaAt the age of 18...


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@hiddenbladeEthan at the park




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@milosm2302Equipment update


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@juanito91brown skin, fiery hair


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@sharker📷 Bigfin Reef Squid




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@stellifyFood Photo - Samsung A70









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@daveksSurreal Kananaskis


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@shikha1995Time Before COVID


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@sharker📷 Sunrise Over the Ocean










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@abelfotografiaAriday --- ENG/ESP


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@juanito91afro-cuban wedding


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@artmomFairy Tales and Art.







Thank you for taking the time to stop by and honor the selections this week. To encourage Engagement we will also be curating the comments. For those actively communicating and adding meaningful input, we will be rewarding some with Engage tokens to be distributed within the Photography Lovers Community. Keep up the great content and the great work!

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Wow thank you so much for the support @badge-696969

You are very welcome! Keep up the great work. =)

Thank you so much @castleberry and @badge-696969 for being selected in this Photography Lovers Curation.
Congratulations to everyone who was elected in today's curation, I got to see some great work.

Congrats to you bro! This was an amazing and diverse selection today! Thanks for always commenting with your encouragement and appreciation!

Last curation I won but nobody voted me,why ?And how does those contests work..

These aren't contests. If you read the text at the top portion of this post then you will understand how this all works. We curate this community by finding awesome photography and awesome posts to 'feature.' These curation posts are to feature our community posts. This gives an opportunity for more traffic and possible votes to your content but it doesn't guarantee that you will get votes.

You have some excellent photography and we appreciate you sharing it here with us. Keep up the great work and you will have a better chance at getting curated with the larger upvotes.

Thanks a lo for the support.

Hey @janetedita @abelfotografia we made it double 😎

Hahaha yei!🙌😂 I think Abel too

You guys are just showing off now! hahaha

😅😂 ohh! hahahah!!! the truth is that we are very happy when we see each other together in some curation, and we try to share it. On Telegram, we give each other a lot of that encouragement too, and for some time now even on safaris, we talk about Hive!
I would put your flag, but I don't know what country you are from!🚩 😂😂

I'm always happy to see you all getting some great content produced and shared here. I even think about grouping you all together but i try to spread it out a little. hahaha Yes, it's been a pretty amazing talent boom from the Safaris and Cuba.

I'm from the greatest country in the world... TEXAS! hahahaha

Thanks a million for your daily valuable commitment and constant support for us creators and our works 🙏

I/we appreciate your kind words. We have some of the best content creators on Hive here in this community. It's an honor and a pleasure to showcase all the amazing talent!

I am so happy to be part of this community where creators are free to share their works while always being supported and appreciated by lovely curators ☺️ I couldn't ask for more!

Thank you for selecting me for this assignment I liked the other spot ols are very pretty. I am delighted thank you very much.

You definitely had some interesting shots in your post! Thanks for sharing them with us. I love the spot coloring as well. Very Cool!

Thank you for the idea but come like this I think to reproduce the experience

Looking forward to seeing some more! =)

Oui il y en aura d'autre :)

C'est ce que j'aime entendre!

Thank you a lot ^^ I have had a chance to see more great great pictures from other members on this post.^^

Keep up the great work and thanks for your contribution. Have fun checking out all the other amazing posts!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Thanks a lot for the support! 😀🙏🙏

You're welcome! Thanks for always sharing some amazing content. Glad to see you posting again. =)

¡Excelente materil fotográfico! Inspirador...

Stay inspired and thanks for stopping by to appreciate all the talent and beauty!

Thank you so much @badge-696969 and @castleberry for the support and feature 😊😁 much appreciated 🐝
Have a wonderful day!

You are very welcome! Keep up the great work.

Thanks, will do 😎



Much appreciated, guys!
Have some
along my full vote! :D

Thanks for the pizza brother! Keep up the great work and thanks for your contribution! =)

I'm doing my best :)

Sometimes... that's all we can do. But if we do our best all the time... our best gets better! hahaha Have a great weekend my friend.

Thank you!


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@lightcaptured(13/15) tipped @badge-696969 (x1)

Learn more at

A collection of magnificent and charming photographs without a doubt, you can see the talent that we can find in this wonderful community and that it is worth admiring the works that we enjoy here, I am proud to be part of this wonderful team of lovers of photography and I hope to see some of my photographs in this healing report soon.

Una colección de fotografiás magnificas y encantadoras sin duda alguna, se ve el talento que podemos encontrar por esta maravillosa comunidad y que es digno de admirar los trabajos que disfrutamos por acá, estoy orgulloso de formar parte de este maravilloso equipo de amantes a la fotografía y ojala pronto ver algunas de mis fotografías en este reporte de curación.

Thanks for your kind and supportive words! Looking forward to seeing more of your photography! We are happy to have you in this community!