A Brief Recap Of 2023 - Part Two

Cat at Room 3 Studio

It's really good to get Cat back in front of the camera. It had been a long time since our last shoot. Before Covid we used to shoot quite often. Then after the pandemic Cat became very ill - a lot of her photographer friends were very worried about her. But thankfully, with some aids and some a good use of time, she is able to shoot again. Although with some down time built into the shoot. And boy was it good to work with her again. That same wicked sense of humour, that same creativity, that same coming totally prepared with outfits and props. I really cannot wait to work with her again soon.

Cazza at Room 3 Studio

What can I say about Cazza that I didn't already cover in Part 1 of this annual recap. Suffice it to say, she never disappoints. Always fun to shoot. If I did (early) New Year Resolutions, it would be to work with Cazza one to one.

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Ash at Room 3 Studio

Ash is another model I have worked with a few times. Again another very creative model. Sadly again, I have only worked with her on group shoots where it seems every one else's image work out far better. Hey ho. Just gotta keep working at it.

Jess at Swim Blue

And finally Jess. I doubt I will ever tire of working with her, and in spite of including her in Part 1 a shot from our shoot had Swim Blue had to be included in this recap. Jess absolutely smashed this shoot. We only had access for an hour but we managed to get some fabulous shots together. But boy was it hot in there, I was, by the end of the shoot, insanely jealous of Jess in the pool. I was just melting.


About me:

I can mostly be found shooting models, aviation, motorsports and, when I can, wildlife. But I enjoy most aspects of photography. You can find more of my work on the links below.


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Welcome back Brian, nice to see you in the right community again 😄

Thanks @erikah I have recently started using templates and have now worked out how to select which community. So hopefully I should be back in here permanently. Thank you so much for advising me. 😁

The pleasure is all mine sir! 😁