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in Photography Loverslast year

Sounds like a good move to me. I know that some of the other curation groups are moving this way too. It's a long time coming. There was a time when people were still moving stuff over and I myself was still interacting with both chains, but we are well past a year now and commitment should mean something.


It's tough enough keeping up with what's going on here... let alone having to track and scout out what's going on over there too on multiple fronts, as a curator. So, for me, it's really an easy choice and i totally agree about commitment and loyalty for us old enough to have some! Always remember the 'Dolphin School'... Lest we forget! 🤣

Oh yeah, those were the days. I wonder what ever happened to the one guy that was running that. I don't even remember his name now.

After a hiatus on Steemit, i came back to the Hive split. It took a while to get the story but after i got migrated over i looked up that dude. I forgot his name now but he had multiple accounts, mostly his inactive wife, and he was just using that Dolphin School to try and get a circle jerk pyramid following. He ended up doing a round or two and cashing out on Steemit. Then came back when it pumped and posted a couple of times but then liquidated both of their accounts. That was all before Hive though, if memory serves me well. I had to scroll really far to find all the info for that shit. hahahaha Goood times!

Haha yeah, I guess I could have done that too. He put in a lot of work for a circle jerk. I mean he had coursework and everything! I remember him bragging about how much his kid made streaming on YouTube.

I should have trusted my gut about that dude.