Photo Quest #1 - Cotton Candy

in Photography Lovers16 days ago (edited)

As soon as I saw this quest I had in mind some flowers in the bush that might fit the bill. So many remind me of cotton candy from the fairs when we were kids.

This looks the part - angophora flowers

The wattle flowers were what came to mind at first - they are very small and hard to get them right for a photo themed post. Colours and delicacy they have - photo from my last walk gets it on the list

Focus is better - now for some variations on the theme - grevillea have lovely cottony tendrils

Grey spider grevillea

A bigger scale for grevillea

Maybe a banksia cotton - like a toilet brush

A different model for a bottlebrush - that is its name

And today my friend makes this Facebook post. He builds bicycles from bike parts. Today's model is called Cotton Candy. It seems that Facebook is scouring what we do on Hive too.

That concludes my first Photo Quest post #qurator


Amazing photography ✨

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Edits: fixed typos