Forgotten Riverside Photography

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate some photos that I forgot I had taken, but resurfaced the other day!


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Forgotten Riverside Photography

I don't claim to be a "photographer" but more of a hobbyist, really. I think all people who enjoy and spend good time taking photographs can appreciate though, when you find some pictures that came out pretty well but you had completely forgotten about them! Well that certainly was what happened for me recently hahaha.

The little man and I were fishing last autumn and really had a good time. We didn't catch squat but we did put the poles away and decide to take a nice hike up a trail that we hadn't yet explored. It ended up being a beautiful trip and was completely worth the accidental decision! When I saw some of the pictures that were taken, I was like "damn!" I am annoyed that I didn't get them off my phone sooner hahaha.


I had posted recently about the annoying changes to how the computers are processing the photos when we connect our phones to our laptops, and how that has caused me issues in not downloading the photos off my phone. That is certainly going to be the case here however I have to make it a point to do it more often, because of this very reason. I almost forgot about this wonderful walk that we took, and how cool the river looks!

The river here is one that runs between one big reservoir to another smaller one. It is pretty long and I wonder how long the hiking trail runs alongside it but it's certainly a few miles from what the little man and I got to experience that day. We went pretty far and had to turn around because he was getting tired and hungry, so I didn't want to push it. We were also kind of unprepared, I didn't bring a backpack when I should have!


I do love the beauty along the river though! The various drop down points to get to the waters edge were remarkable for sure. I don't know if people fish this far up, but it seems like it would be a great spot! There are certainly areas where you are not allowed to fish which makes sense, but we will have to figure out how far upstream we can go, or if it's limited to only the area below the dam. I love seeing the old wall running along the river. This region dates back a really long way, but I think they did all of this construction of reservoirs and rivers connecting them back in the early 1900's which is cool. There is so much history to be explored, but yet most people are completely unaware!

I am going to bring the little man back to this area for sure in a couple weeks to try and do some additional fishing, see if we can catch some of the trout that are famed to be here and also if we have just generally rotten luck, we will go back for a hike! This time with a backpack, plenty of snacks and water of course to make it an enjoyable experience.


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Glad you were able to take some pictures. They really looks so great also I must confess

Thanks it was a beautiful place for sure!

Fishing seem to be one of your favorite activities
Also, when you fish, do you eat the fishes you catch or you sell them?

Fishing is indeed one of our favorite activities! We don't sell them and this fish we would catch if we actually got one here we would eat. The other fish that we've caught we just do it for fun and throw them back into the water.

The river is actually flowing. The water will be used for consumption I guess right

Eventually it will be yes. This river leads to a reservoir where people end up consuming it through pipes to their houses.

Splendid thing to see some colors of autumn around the riverbed.

Yeah dude for sure I love seeing autumn by the river. It's a beautiful time! Thanks for checking it out man, hope you're well!

Hope you're doing well too 😁

A lot of your pictures including the black and whites have all been about the waterside. It's a beautiful scenery, so it's normal to be drawn to it.

Haha yeah I was looking at my historical pictures the other day and they do have quite a bit of water stuff :D I bet that’s one of the reasons my son loves it, I seem to be drawn to it as well!

These scenes are very beautiful. Does the river dry in dry season?

No the river runs year round! We get a good amount of rain so it is never dry that I'm aware of.

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Beautiful autumn colors.. such a pretty forest! It reminds me of home 😍

Good thing you remembered and shared all these beautiful scenery photos with us.

Those people look beautiful who take care of their things and take care of their skin on time and use everything on time.