S T A N D I N G - R O C K / / P I E D R A - P A R A D A (ENG-ESP)

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

Greetings friends of #pothographylovers, today I want to share with you a small selection of photos that portray my visit to "Pieda Parada" province of Chubut - Argentina

Saludos amigos de #pothographylovers hoy les quiero compartir una pequeña seleccion de fotos que retratan mi visita a "Pieda Parada" provincia de Chubut - Argentina



*Standing rock at night*

Piedra parada de noche


*Inside a cave*

Dentro de una cueva


*Sector Calavera*

Skull place

I hope you liked my work, if you made it this far, thank you for your attention!
The photos are my own and were taken with my Canon T3I EOS 600D camera and its respective Kit 18-55

Espero que mi trabajo fuera de tu agrado, si llegaste hasta aca, gracias por tu atencion!.
Las fotos son de mi autoria y fueron tomadas con mi camara Canon T3I EOS 600D y su respectivo lente Kit 18-55.


Very beautiful stars in the second photo. I love them very much

Thanks!! I love them too. The picture is pretty low quality and still we can apreciate the beauty of the night sky.

The appearance is quite beautiful and quite extraordinary. I also really like places like this.

Yes i like places like this too, it is a dry climate <3