Been a wild past couple weeks

in Photography Lovers8 months ago


So much has been going on


Wow, it has been almost two weeks since my last post. I don't think that I have ever gone this long without posting here on Hive since I started. On the 29th, my wife, daughter and I went up into the mountains and hung out with some friends for a drum circle to welcome in the full moon.


It was such a fun event. A few months ago, my wife and I attended our first full moon drum circle. It was so cool meeting likeminded people and become part of their tribe.


We sang songs, danced around the fire and just hung out while we waited for the moon to rise above the mountains. During one of the songs, we were told to find something to burn and think about something in our life that has been holding us back or something we wanted to let go of.

Our daughter has been having a hard time the past few months, so this a really cool way of letting the past go. After we put energy into the item we were gonna burn, we chucked it in the fire and let it cleanse us of its energy.


Then we sat around the fire and hung out some more until the moon started peeking over the mountains. Once the moon showed itself, the energy around us changed so much. It is crazy how much influence the moon has over everything we do here on earth. Not just the moon, but all of the planets and pieces of the universe hold so much power.


It was a great night and I am glad that we could be together for it. We are looking forward to new beginnings and moving forward with our best lives.


I really love seeing autumn photos. Everything is warm. :D
So you became witches in the mountains. Such a cool event :D

The colors are really cool in the mountains right now. I am hoping to make it up the canyon for a drive this week, but don't know if I will have time. We love being witches. I am more of a shaman though. My wife and daughter are the witches.

It is nice to have you back here after two weeks and I'm very happy that you spent time with your family

It is nice to have some free time to post on hive again. Its been a hectic few weeks.

beautiful pictures colleague, congratulations

Thanks homie. I appreciate it.

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It's really fun to hang out with your loved ones.

It sure is. Especially in the mountains.

I haven't been to the mountain before because I don't have any close to me but I will love to give it a try someday

Great photos, man! You captured the spirit of the place very well. I think such events also strengthen the family bond. Family and nature are a good duo. Tomorrow I will share a day I spent with my father.

Thanks homie. I hope you and your dad had a great day.

We did man!

Beautiful photos. Having time with family is the best,I am glad you had a good time while being off. it's good to have you back

No importa el tiempo que dejes de publicar, pero cuando lo haces , le pones ❤️ bellas fotos saludos amigo.

When there are winter nights, it's fun to enjoy the fire with friends like this, and there is a barbeque, so it's a lot of fun to dance and enjoy. Moon looks so beautiful.