Missing the color festival

in Photography Loverslast year


We are hoping to go next year


The Festival of Colors here in Utah is one of the largest celebrations in the US and we have tried to go each year that it happens. This past year, we were not able to make it because my wife was still fresh out of surgery and she could barely stand for more than a few minutes at a time when the festival happened.



My wife has pretty much fully recovered from the surgery and we have gotten back to our normal routine of doing yoga and lifting weights.



These past couple years, we have really begun to focus on our health and in doing everything we can to be healthy for the future. It won't be too long before we have little grandkids running around and we need to be able to keep up with them.



One of the coolest parts about the this event is seeing families celebrating together. The children seem to have such a great time.




I wish that I could see into a child's brain and know what they are thinking during events like these. It must be so cool for kids to see a bunch of people coming together and having a good time. Plus all the colors probably makes it a pretty magical and fun experience for kids.



The entire Festival of Colors is full of music, smiles and good vibes. It really is cool to see so many people come together to spread love. Hopefully next year we are able to make it. Each year, the event seems to get larger as more people are realizing the importance of these types of gatherings. Go out and spread some love. The world needs it.


This event is so colorful, man! I've never been to anything like this in my life. I think one of the first posts you shared was about color festivals. I remember looking at that. I would have loved to attend this as a kid, it looks like pure fun. It would also be great for me to participate for any part of the rest of my life though 😂

My family tries to go each year that they hold it. It's so much fun. Hopefully you are able to participate at some point.

Looks like a good time!

I remember you posted about this last time, does that mean it's been two years already??!!! Wow, time really flies!

Time is flying. The first time we went to this festival was like six years ago and we have tried to go each year that we could.

I've seen several videos of this event, and it's really amazing, how exciting it must be to live that and get paint covered everywhere, haha, congratulations on this great adventure and wonderful shots that managed to capture the essence of said event

It is so pretty to see, all the colours. The happy faces… everybody celebrating together.
Yes, would be cool to know what the little ones will think.
Love your photos 🥰 !LUV

Health is so important. Hope you can see it next year.
Have an awesome day 👋🏻😊

We really hope we can make it. We were sad to miss it this year.


I can imagine 🍀🍀🍀🍀

indeed a very colorful blog :)
lovely pictures, reminded me of a festival in india 'Holi'

Ya, this is a celebration of Holi here in the US. It is always a great time.

There is nothing above health as we are seeing that when a person's health is bad, he does not want to go anywhere. When a person is healthy, such places must be visited. It helps that a person like me is very happy to meet new people, the way we see in the pictures people are having a lot of fun.

Everyone had a great time.

Wow, that's cool. Like all the colors of the world.

amazingly beautiful, very good photo taking friends
Nice to meet you
Thank You.

Thank you. It was a lot of fun.

Looks like loads of fun. !LOLZ
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