Exploring the Finn Slough

Located near the border of the USA and Canada, the Finn Slough is a strange "sovereign citizen" type establishment. According to wikipedia approximately 30 residents live here currently. An old fishing establishment along the major tributary Fraser River.

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Apparently the the original buildings were built by some Finnish settlers at the turn of the 20th century. The are is now considered historic, with some buildings being restored slowly. They even have a dedicated website! http://www.finnslough.com/

Like many photographers before me, I was curious to explore this relic from the past. I'd been scouring google maps looking for places to explore - I'd found out there were sometimes washed up boats along the river, old paddleboats and other interesting things. While scouring satellite imagery for these abandoned boats I noticed this unique looking area, and, to my surprise then found their website and some news articles. So, I headed out to explore. I have not much more to say about this place. It felt like stepping into a pseudo zombie world of ancient homes, broken and decayed. To add to the sense of curiosity a storm approached and a rainbow lit up the sky for me to photograph.

I hope you enjoy this series of images, and see the story they tell of a group of people living off grid, in absence from the nearby City sprawl. The first and last images are my personal favorites showing the unique character of this area.

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All images are owned and created by Dyptre www.dyptrephotography.ca


Incredible shots from your end, although I've not that researched much about the slaough fin but your story has expounded much about this zone for me. Thanks

Thank you! It's a very interesting place. My only wish was that'd I'd had a chance to talk to a resident when I was there to learn more

Wow that was incredible, learning about the environment from a folk who knows and has also explored about the slough finn than you did, that's really okay 🙋

A bit spooky as well as charming place 🙂 And you were lucky with the rainbow, so pretty! Amazing photos!

Thank you for sharing!

Very lucky with the rainbow! Haha and it provides such a great parallel to the rustic rundown homes here.
Thanks for checking out my post

Oh wow, some truly fantastic shots here. What an incredible place for photography. Some of your shots look like oil paintings, especially the first and the fourth shot. You even got lucky and got a rainbow over such a uniquely beautiful place, fantastic work thanks for sharing!

There is so much to explore and photograph in this very tiny little spot. I wish there's been a resident I could have asked more questions too, or, if they were willing, let me cross the drawbridge to peer into their homes

It is pretty cool to be staying here, everything is beautiful. I'm just a little bit perplexed what if the water arises, is it still safe to be staying there?

Your photography is incredible, I love how you captured them. They are all amazing.

I'm hoping the settlers are in a safer place once the level of water arises.

My understanding is that most of these homes are built on stilts or floats. But, I'm not sure really, hopefully this area isn't in danger from rising ocean levels. Because it's in a marshland/slough it's very sheltered from storm waves at least. I know a lot of migrating birds hang out near here to shelter themselves from weather and enjoy the fish variety in these waters