Exploring the Nature Reserve: A Bird Watcher's Paradise

Visiting a local nature reserve is always interesting as you never quite know what you are going to to see. We were blessed with another sunny day.

We spotted the greylag geese had at least 3 offspring. It's really good this time of year with all the goslings, ducklings and chicks about.

A little squirrel was scampering about on the wooden gate looking for food. Usually, if there is nuts and bird seed about the squirrels will clean up!

The flowers on the rowan tree have creamy-white petals. After insects pollinate it, the flowers turn into lovely red berries. There's nothing prettier. The seeds will then be spread by birds. Nature is very clever.

These pretty bright blue flowers are forget-me-nots. They are quite common and are usually found in woodlands, hedgerows, and grass verges.

The mallard ducks were having an afternoon siesta on the wall.

The Canada Goose was standing on one leg. There is a theory that as their legs and feet are not covered in feathers, their body heat will escape, so lifting one leg up will help keep it warm. It was quite a warm day, though.

The little egret a small, white heron was looking for its next dinner, which would be small fish and crustaceans. As summer approaches, things can only get better.


Good evening and peace be upon you. I like seeing the pictures my friends show which are quite good.

Beautiful photos!

Thank you @melinda010100. 💖