in Photography Lovers2 months ago

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-04 at 1.40.36 PM.jpeg

Happy beginning of lent week family, my best wishes at all times.

I open my week with two beautiful murals that I saw yesterday in the outskirts of an urbanization known as the recreation of Trujillo state, Venezuela, doing my exercise routine I admired this art and took some pictures to share.

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When I saw this mural so natural I said, I must mention it in one of my posts on hive.

Every time I look at these works my main point to admire are the eyes being the reflection of the soul and show a naturalness that enamors, without neglecting the profile of the face, in a few, let's say I'm a detailist.

Definitely art is everywhere, and people who have that gift are extraordinary, I could not appreciate the name of the artist.

From hive I send my congratulations.

Drawing faces is something indescribable more of these 2 great characters, as is Jesus Christ who gave his life for us and at this time dedicated to his work, highlighting both his earthly and spiritual steps.

Holy week came so fast, which we honor his legacy on earth, sharing in harmony in family, with the diversity of dishes according to the economic measures that each home has, with fish, bread soup and lechoza and coconut sweets being the most sought after of the season, the visit of the eight temples and with faith to ask for what our heart longs for.

Visiting distant family in search of union and the most predominant thing is to know how to forgive and turn the pages so as not to keep rancor in our little heart. Life is only one and we must leave footprints instead of headaches.

Likewise, with Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez the doctor of the poor, nicknamed my beautiful black of affection, who has shown me on countless occasions that miracles exist when we ask from the bottom of our hearts, everything is possible when we implore with good vibes.

A pleasure to leave my contribution, greetings.

The photos are my property, I used the deepl translator since my language is Spanish.

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-24 at 3.51.51 PM.jpeg