Night photography in the Derbyshire Peak District on Hive

in Photography Lovers4 months ago (edited)

I have no wish to be a "moaner" but my biggest complaint with blogging photos to Hive is my lack of content where the posts do better in terms of rewards if I post more images. I realise this a "me" problem in that I don't have time to be out every night taking photos. On some nights out in the dark, I only come back with one photo and it's difficult to write a post about one image.

I'm no developer and the last time I wrote a piece of code was back in the 80's. But I genuinely believe there is a market for an Instagram based model where the Hive rewards system exists for single images with a caption or a brief description. I'm pretty sure someone will tell me it's not possible or maybe even a crazy idea but if successful, I reckon an Instagram / Hive hybrid would take off and fly.

Enough of my moaning, this is a post over a couple of nights out in the dark in the Peak District where I didn't come back with many images on each night, hence my comments above:

Olight Nights

I bought a new flashlight, an Olight Marauder Mini, with it's focussed beam and this kind of shot in mind. The vapour hanging in the air inside the tunnel was perfect and everything came together just nicely.


Marauder Mood

This is the original uncropped version of the above but with a Photoshop preset I named, Golden Moody. Normally I'd baulk at the idea of Photoshopping any image but the colour tones really appealed to me.



Sometimes I take images so damn complicated to make and which then go on to be largely under appreciated. And then much to my annoyance, the simpler shots do better on social media. This is one such example where it's just a single RGB LED light set to teal.


Experimental with the emphasis on mental

I've been experimenting with this idea where the camera is rotated on its lens axis and a circle is spun at different points in the frame moving towards the camera. I still don't believe I've nailed all the technical stuff but I'll keep on trying.


A metaphor for my working week

I visited this derelict factory with the aim of spinning a few light painted orbs. As I arrived, I saw this burnt out shell and decided to shoot the state of dereliction.

This was also a kind of a metaphor for my working week. Busy and battered but just about standing and not necessarily repairable!


Practice makes perfect, almost

I promised myself to get better at spinning orbs. I know all the technique but having three left feet as I do, this stuff isn't easy! So practice makes perfect and this was the best one of the bunch albeit I have nudged the camera in this one!

Not long after I shot this, the stale, dusty atmosphere made me feel ill very quickly so I abandoned ship and got out of there in to the fresh air. Taking photos is not worth my health.


About me:
I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex, landscape and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; the social side of photography is always good!

Social Media


I can relate. In the beginning, I simply posted the shots with the metadata. What else do people want to know hey? I share the exact same thoughts. I do run out of content at times, especially when I have phases where I just don't get around to creating more. These days I kind of force myself to write more and practice the process. After some years now I simply started and often it's kind of nice to tell a story about what I did. One thing that made it simpler was that I also forced myself to take some making of shots. That's half the story. How did I get there and what was it like? But yes I totally understand!

Less perfect Orbs are Orbs too! Cheers! 😎

@gunnarheilmann in 2020 during that thing we all remember, it was great. I could write blog after blog with images going back 10 or more years. "Money for old rope" 😂. But on a night out I'm happy if I come back with one decent image, quality over quantity. It's the same with Flickr for me, I've been there since 2006 and it's like a ghost town these days with tumble weed rolling by. Hive blogs could be in danger of going the same way if it doesn't adapt or change... 😎

There was once a photography group called nTopaz with competition and many curators and such. I hoped it stayed. That went under at some point and it was sad to see. Then new groups are shaping. We do need more adoption that's for sure.

Yes, it's one of my irritations of Hive. I'm ok with having enough photos, but I'm the other way around as I find it difficult to write loads down. I'm not a natural blogger, so I have to drag a load of words out of my very being lol to create some sort of blog. I think it's good to put some text down, but I think people want a whole bloody essay. I know I much prefer reading shorter blogs, but that's just a personal preference. If long blogs are interesting, that's fine, but sometimes I lose the will to live!

@ellenripley I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this way 😂 I can waffle on for England in a blog but I try and keep it short and sweet. I see some blogs which spike interest but have trouble making it to the end. Insta based Hive please dear developers!! Maybe not call it "InstaHive" or the lawyers might be in touch... 🤣

Ha! Sadly, it still seems to be frowned upon to not write much, or only upload one photo. Anyway, at least we've had a good moan!

Haha, we British (that's British not Brits) love a good moan! 🤣

Yes, I feel so much better now! 😁

You could check out LIketu. It's a Photography Focused frontend built on Hive that is supposed to be more setup like Instagram and function more close to what you mentioned. I don't use it myself, but they curate pretty well for those using that frontend. It's still Hive and maybe the best of both worlds for long and short form content.

Thanks for the heads up @castleberry, I'll take a look :-)

Reminds me to get up and do some light painting. I don't have one single picture on my hard drive left.
I made some new tools in the last rainy weeks. I hope I can test the stuff soon.

@lichtkunstfoto December was a write off with monsoon horizontal rain here day after day, January wasn't too bad and all too soon it will be summer again. Damn! 😂

Same here. 2024 it feels like I live in the UK. 😂

Magical photos!

Yay! 🤗
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