Trip number 213 Dzika ochla

Welcome to the new place I recently moved to. It's hard to capture it photographically.
I can't seem to gather myself to explore the territory. I suppose I know this city from years past, but it feels unfamiliar to me.
My wife and I went to a wild oasis together – a small lake that has been developed into a tourist attraction. People fish there, jog around, and you can even take a ride on water equipment. I remember this place when it was wild, completely undeveloped in the forest. Everything changes, so I have to rediscover everything anew.
Take a look at my journey.








Everything changes, so I have to rediscover everything anew

I love the pictures from the past and the present. Well done 👍

so beautiful♥

You need a pup, a dog to take with you on your discovery trips to these places, I'm sure you'd both have a blast. :))

Hahah I have a cat, so there may be a problem with the dog

Depends alot on the dog as well, mine is really friendly towards cats. :)

hi there. did you leave Norway?

that's how I left Norway