Another girl from the same cosplay event.

After yesterday's brief story about the cosplay event with EL, now I'll recount my encounter with a girl at the same cosplay event. To cut the story short, this meeting began as we were about to leave because the cosplay event had ended. On our way home, we passed by the park, and unexpectedly, we met a girl whose attire we found quite unique compared to the other participants. So, we asked the girl:

Me: Are you participating in this cosplay event? Your outfit is quite different from the others, and if you don't mind me asking, which character are you cosplaying as right now?

And the girl replied: No, I'm not participating in this event. I'm wearing this costume not based on any character; I'm wearing it just because I like it.

Me: Wow, that's interesting. And you look very beautiful and suitable in this costume. Would you like to take some photos for a moment?

The girl replied: Hmmm, okay. But I'm very shy, so if the photos aren't good, I apologize in advance.

And the photo session ensued, and here are the results:









I think she posed very well; even simple poses made her look beautiful. But the only downside is, once again, I forgot to ask for her social media account, and worse, I forgot to ask her name. Maybe if there's another cosplay event, I'll try to find her and give her the photos I took.

What do you think? For someone shy like her, I'm sure you'd agree with me that her face is very captivating and worth another photo session. Thanks!


These are some very adorable portraits. Personally I prefer this type of lights and backgrounds, I like the dark and what can generate some mystery or drama in the photos, so I'm not a big fan of light backgrounds. I really like the look of the model and the light you used for these shots. Great job @gituuuttt 👏🏻

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Uses: 2/25

Hi, thank you. I'm really pleased with the comment you gave. Initially, this photo was made in black and white, then I decided to play around and re-edit it using the raw file. And it turns out I prefer this colored version. But, indeed, before creating it, I looked for a dark enough background, so I could make the model's face stand out more than its surroundings.

What a good idea! That makes it stand out more and thus have results like these! You gave me a good idea for a session friend. Thanks for that :)

You're welcome my friend. I'm glad I could provide ideas for your next photo session. And I'm really looking forward to seeing your future session. :)

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Glad to see you back in action!

Thank you capt ;)