From behind the roadside grass!

in Photography Lovers4 years ago (edited)

Here's a set of street photos i captured before the lockdown. I could not share them earlier because i didn't know how to deal with the heavy shadows and color distraction they had. But, now, i tried to edit in the light room.

While taking the photos, i was playing with the shutter speed and, simultaneously, trying to mix the passing by people with the roadside grass.

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cool photos! I want to go to Rishikesh since years - the himalayan region must be wonderful. it looks almost like I live, but the spirit and culture there is just incredible. hope to see more images from you.

thanks, glad you like the photos and, yeah, rishikesh is a wonderful place to see, but it's also a bit crowded.

If you want to see the real spirit of the himalayas, then i'll suggest you to also visit places like Auli, Devprayag, chopta and in fact there are many magical places in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh.

Hey, thanks for all the wonderful tipps! Yes I heard it is a little bot to touristic and commercialized... unfortunately... damn Beatles 😂... just kidding. Will google the other spots! Thanks 🙃