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RE: Don't Just Snap, Create | The Art of Phone Photography

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

I can relate a lot to what you mean. Hive has done that to me, you know. I'm always having my phone camera ready to shutter away. And I'm loving it. I hope to be a bit more professional as time goes on but I can understand the power of making good use of light and editing.

Do you know good editing apps for mobile phones?


I used to be a terrible photographer when I first started blogging 7 years ago, bad compositions, terrible edit... But I wanted to improve and slowly but surely it happened. It's about always doing the best of your current abilities.

Snapseed is probably the best and easiest to use. You can change basic settings like contrast, saturation and even dodging and burning and there are also pre-made filters to give your photos certain look (under Grainy film).