Do you know what a VHS movie is? It will be a pleasure to share it with you. 🎥

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If you are a person who likes cinema, analog photography or more archaic audiovisual processes, you are in the right place. Blockchain, NFT and everything else only exists because of these technological and artistic advances in audiovisual.

Hello guys good morning to everyone, we just returned from Ubatuba, a region rich in Atlantic forest, called Serra do Mar, located between the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and there we took several images with VHS. But hey, do you know what a VHS movie is?

It will be a pleasure to share it with you.

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The VHS tape was developed in the 1970s by JVC (an international corporation that produces audio, video and electronic equipment based in Yokohama, Japan) to compete with Betamax, and arrived in Brazil in the following decade. It is a video recording system in the format of a ½ inch magnetic tape in a plastic casing.

VHS tapes are basically a plastic case, screws, paper label and black tape. This tape is responsible for the video and audio recording process through magnetic printing and, as there is no way to separate magnetism and charge, it is nothing new for the tapes to contain high concentrations of metal.

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The Video Home System (VHS, or "Video Home System", in Portuguese) is a commercial standard for consumers of analog recording on videotape tapes.

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João Lucas applying his trained edge surfing in the waters of Florianopolis in a biomechanical system for learning and studying surfing.

What replaced the VHS tape?

VCD - VCD is the abbreviation for Video Compact Disc, created by Sony, Philips, JVC and Matsushita, in 1993. The technology stores videos and audios in MPEG-1 format on a CD. Although the quality of the videos is similar to VHS, it does not deteriorate over time.

One of the pioneers of this format, LaserDisc, was not very well received. However, after the introduction of DVD in 1997, the VHS market began to decline. In 2008, DVD managed to achieve full acceptance, replacing VHS as the distribution format.

VHS tape has a low image quality when compared to DVD. VHS!
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This is a classic wave in the northern region of Ubatuba, called Itamambuca. On the wave, surfer Bruno Busato performs a snap under the lip with his board developed by Praia Mole Power Glass, (Julio Cesar Alvarez) based on an Akila Aipa model, with twin fins and central stabilizer.

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Another truth regarding VHS is that because it is a very old process, nowadays it is difficult to transform the file and open it, for example, on a modern Macbook. There are some professionals who have been working with analogue for a while, these guys know, I recommend you look for one of these if you need it, however, I will leave a step-by-step guide here in case this professional lives very far from your home, or something like that.

How to convert VHS tapes to digital?

Step 1. Connect your video capture device.
Step 2. Connect your VCR.
Step 3. Insert your VHS cassette tape.
Step 4. Install Movavi VHS converter.
Step 5. Set your VHS capture preferences.
Step 6. Start VHS conversion
Step 7. Edit, share and store your videos.

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How important is the cassette tape to the history of communication?

The mechanism, however, facilitated the process of recording radio songs, but also allowed garage bands to record their own songs. The technology only became popular in the United States in the 1980s, with the creation of the Walkman, and became a rage in Brazil in the 1990s.1

So in terms of art, music, film, advertising, marketing, protest movements, all of these have had the support of the VHS tape, and like most things Hype nowadays, they are nothing more or less than a throwback to the past. , pay attention to the low-resolution image on the VHS tape, without losing the immense potential for admiration and composition, color and light of the images.

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VHS tapes have the ability to store up to 3 hours of standard quality video (or 2 hours of higher quality) and can be played on a compatible VCR.

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Advantages of VHS Tapes

One of the biggest advantages of VHS tapes is their ability to store video content relatively cheaply and easily. Ribbons are durable and can last for decades if stored properly. Additionally, because VHS tapes are an analog medium, they are not subject to format compatibility issues like those that can occur with newer digital formats.

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Disadvantages of VHS Tapes

Although VHS tapes have many advantages, they also have some disadvantages. The image and sound quality is significantly lower than that of newer digital formats such as DVD and Blu-ray. Additionally, VHS tapes are more susceptible to physical damage and wear than digital formats, which can lead to loss of quality and deterioration over time. Lastly, VHS VCRs are an obsolete product and can be difficult to find, and these equipment can be expensive to maintain.

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Although VHS tapes are no longer the main choice for storing video content, there are still many people who treasure their VHS tape collections and use them to watch old movies and shows. VHS tapes have distinct advantages and disadvantages compared to newer digital formats, and it is up to each individual to decide which video content storage medium is best for their needs.

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A particular point that I greatly admire in images from VHS, but also other older processes, in analogy, or photographic prints such as cyanotype, is the different texture that the images present, even giving a very different aspect of depth and feeling compared to a current modern super camera.

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As time went by, with the arrival of new creations, the importance of some past creations became more evident, and so the VHS image became something highly valued. For example, major cinema productions were recorded on VHS and today, the original file has a very high sales value.

Some works made with VHS:

  • Star Wars Trilogy Box (1977) Star Wars
  • The Goonies (1982)
  • E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street (1985)
  • Back to the Future” (1989)

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I hope you all enjoyed this text with illustrative images, conveying a bit of the old image and VHS vibe, under a current vision, integrated with surfing, carried out as a research objective for the Airdrop Culture brand.

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Photography immortalizes moments. Poetry immortalizes feelings. Photography is the poetry of the image. Poetry is the photography of sensations, from darkness to light.


See you in the next text :)


This post is like I was travelling in time! Awesome! My parents had a VHS camera that I used to travel with to all places, and I was able to save all the videos and convert them to digital. I'm so glad I was able to do this because we have many memories there 😍

wowww. nice criscia! for sure some amazing videos recorded. film evolution!