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RE: The last dark walk.

Good morning Zac,

Ikea is a big Swedish furniture company. It's relatively cheap, but you have to assemble the furniture yourself at home, or pay for it. It's very popular here.

I can only fall asleep easily when I am paid for it. At home I'm usually awake for quite some time, but at the moment I think I could sleep anywhere at any time 😉 !LOLZ

Thanks my friend, I will do my best to take more wildlife photos 👍😃

The weather here has become nicer and above me there are some lovely pink clouds ... I'm having breakfast on the balcony with one of our cats. My wife is still in bed because we are going later to work today. Before work we have to go to the passport office to get new passports, because the old ones are valid till this June only (10 years).

Hope you're having a great Tuesday with nice weather 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

okay, now I know, and over here we call the self assemblies kit forms. They come with assembly instructions included, and I think that Ikea would do the same 😊

Hahaha, you are so funny, and I had to laugh at this 😁 !LOLZ

I know that you are very capable with photography my friend, but I like to tease you sometimes 😜

So, you are eating the cat on the balcony for breakfast and that's not a good idea, as your wife will beat you up when she awakes. Passport services can take a long time, as here we have long queues. So good luck and hope that you guys will not take too long 🙏

20Cs here for the whole week and raining right now. Wish you a lot of sunshine 😊

Cheers and thanks.

Good morning Zac,

I've had no time in the past days - too much work at work and too much to do at home 😅 !LOLZ

Yesterday was a holiday here, and I have been working all day long on my van. It's all so different in there now, I have to put all things on other places. It will take a while for me till I'll get used of it, but I like it a lot. I'll post some photos soon.

I'm not so sure whether I should like it to fall asleep easily, or not, because at the moment I even don't want to get up in the mornings when I'm off work 🛌

I seriously would love to take more wildlife photos if it wasn't that boring most times: I see a bird or another animal, it disappears and I wait for it to return ... and wait ... and wait ... 😴

Hihi, no, I've had some cake that my wife baked 😉 but actually, I have once tasted cat: many, many years ago, the man my grandmother married after my real grand father died in WW2, used to catch wild cats and eat them. One day he let me taste it, but I can't remember the taste anymore, and I'm glad that I don't remember, to be honest. If our cats knew that I have tasted one of their family ... 😜

Nowadays you have to make an appointment long on advance, so it took only 20 minutes and we've been on our way to work. The passports will be sent by post in a couple of days.

We've had nice weather yesterday, but the weekend will get wet, says the weatherman - we'll see. I have enough to do in the van and at home anyway, but I'll try to get out for some photos, of course.

Hope you guys are fine and will have a great weekend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

I know and I also know that you put most of the work in the van at home 😜 !LOLZ

You see? As I said above, you even work in the van even on holidays. Only teasing as I know what it means to you, and I am sure that you will get used to the new outlay. I am now very inquisitive and cannot wait to see the photos 😲

Oh man, to fall asleep quickly is only a dream for me, as lately I have so many pains and cramps that I roll around for hours. I think that only the van will make you rise out of the bed very quickly 😉

Ha! You forget that Mother nature is teaching you patience, and one day when you have waited long enough, a very rare animal will pop up to pose for you 😂

I think that you liked the joke 😊 and this is an amazing story. Like me, you also love animals and that tasting must have been a horrible experience. So much so, that you mind has erased the taste of it.
Btw. Only kings and queens have cake for breakfast, so in a past life I am sure that you were a king, maybe even the king of Austria 😅

20 minutes only! Wow, such a great service that you have there. We also make appointments here, but when we arrive there are about 50 people that made appointments at the same time. So, we have to sit and wait for our turn which can take a long time. After about 2 or 3 weeks they send a message to collect the passports and then we have to wait in a queue again. Your systems work, but ours are dysfunctional 😉

Hahaha, everything depends on the van again, and I don't know if you remember that I said the van would become your second wife, so now she also rules all of your decisions 😆

Wet here today from 9am to 4 pm, and then the gaps in the clouds opened the blue sky in patches. So, obviously we popped out to the mountains. Cold and a bit difficult with the light.

I hope that the van will love you even more after this weekend my friend 💕

Cheers and thanks.


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