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RE: Magical Madeira: tour around Mercado dos Lavradores

The fish eyes freak me out haha!

That's a large market but so colorful with all the fruits, I wish ours looked like that. I mean we do have farmers market in the summer but yours is way better and more playful for photography. Thanks for sharing your colorful display. xox


Those eyes freaked me out too, I don´t think I would be able to enjoy this fish on my plate :D

Well, the closer to the equator you go, the more colorful everything is. But seriously, tropical places are truly colorful. From animals and vegetation to architecture, clothes, food etc. People living there might often be poor by our standards but the climate, sea and all the colors around make them happier than many people from rich countries ;) My experience...

Actually, you are probably right on the equator, color and overall mood regardless of money. We absorb vitamins from the sun. On our short days, that's when depression tends to rise. We call it winter blues as a joke but it's a real thing.

Glad to know that there is some actual science behind this theory! :) After spending a couple of winters in the evergreen tropics and subtropics, I have a really hard time coping with winter back here in Central Europe that I come from. Here, the winter blues is as real as it gets.

I bet, the more north you get the worse it gets. If you have been used to equator time then I see why you would prefer it without knowing fully why just on avoiding the mood disruptions and lethargy from unstable sunlight hours. I would probably prefer something like that too if they had the rockies.

Not where I live but further north, it's like forever days and forever nights in 6 months cycle. In the North-West Territories, in the summer, the sun goes down for like 1 hour if any. In the winter, that's how long the day is...can you imagine!!

I know. It´s crazy. We have something similar here in Europe in Northern Norway and other nearby areas. A half of the year is day and the other half is night. Total madness. I don´t know how anyone can live in such places...