Kalemegdan under snow

Unfortunately these photos are not from right now, but another throwback. This winter has been so weak, there was almost no snow at all and also no sign that there will be any, any time soon. Which is unfortunate for me, because I really enjoy snow, and also with such warm weather, it doesn't even feel like it's New Years time.

As I said we are still in holidays and festive mode, Christmas is yet to come, and also another celebration of the New Year's Eve, so there is hope that we will have some holiday with snow.

Until then, I am sharing with you photos from 2 years ago, from beautiful Kalemegdan, covered in snow at that time, not too much snow, but just enough. I was also lucky to be there while there was no crowed at all, almost empty, and enjoy peaceful, white, winter day.

Thank you for reading my post ^^