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RE: New year, new picz

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

Not entirely sure but I think your self-portraits were one of the first things I noticed about your blog and noticed that you hadn't posted any in a while. Great to hear that you are getting back into them.

That f/1.0 lens looks gigantic on our little X-T5 🤣 but I bet see it produces nice quality.

Looking forward to seeing... you more often again.


Might be!
Yesss and it's also so heavy! Sometimes I actually worry if the part where we attach the lens will get broken since the lens is almost 2x heavier than the body 🤣 I have realized the lens matter so much when it comes to quality and sharpness. The sharpness of 50mm f/1 vs say 18-55mm is so much better and I thought it didn't matter lol.

That's very true. 'Everbody' always moons over cameras but in reality, it is the glass that counts almost more. I still have a shitty lens on mine but I can't be bothered right now. One day...