sublime sunday streetphoto, or what I saw in the park: reflections, soap bubbles, owl, piper & other stories .:. 18 photo

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

At the end of a rainy week, nature finally became generous and kissed us on a sunny day. A sunny weekend is a priceless gift! Under the pretext of shopping, I kicked my family out of the house and we had a great walk in the park. Of course, I took my camera with me; I was not alone there - a lot of townspeople came to relax and soak up the stingy autumn sun ... this brought me a good harvest of pictures.

I brought three lenses with me: a Sigma 150mm, my almost daily telephoto, a Zenitar 16mm fisheye, and my best wide-angle 16-35mm, but in fact I wasn't tempted to use the last two, and everything you see was shot by the Sigma.


Sometimes you don't even need a cool plot - just good light is enough to get a masterpiece and a beautiful photo. Apparently this kind of light I had in this photo. The girls in the frame doing understood it the same way, and took a moment to make their charming selfies.


Pond is full of gold reflections... and ducks.


Communication is the key.

Folks and their pets... of course, the pets did not stay at home! I had a few curious encounters.


Poor doggie! Her master is not playing with her, preferring to read chats in his smartphone instead :( such a bastard...


I saw in the hands of a pedestrian walking towards me ... an OWL! Isn't it amazing? To be honest, such cases are rare. And this is actually the first time I've seen a live owl. I didn't have time to prepare or think about anything, I was instantly aroused, but I didn't forget to press the trigger - I managed to take one single shot, and fortunately it turned out well. There's a lot to see here... I especially like the hostess's face here. They say that pets copy their owners... what do you think, who influences whom in this case: the owl on the mistress, or the mistress on the owl? (My opinion: judging by her face, I would rather see a hawk or a falcon in her hands!)


Girl posing by the fountain.


All collect beautiful picturesque maple leaves -- both kidz and their parents.



Feeding ducks and pigeons. (We prepared a packet of wheat bread for the ducks too. Endless fun!)


This girl was shy like a deer, refused to pose even from a distance of 10 meters :)


Selfie with a pink baloon.


Two young fishermen.


One of the highlights of the walk was already waiting for me when we left the park and headed back home. Near the metro (the most interesting thing often happens near metro stations) I heard sounds that cannot be confused with anything: bagpipes! Surprisingly, I have lived for so many years, and I still have not had a chance to hear the bagpipes live. But now this omission is a thing of the past. Both I and my wife and daughter listened with great pleasure to two plays, made a charitable contribution to the busker's box (I always try to do this, and I carry a credit card in my wallet, in my pocket there are small "real" money - partly just for these goals).


The man was a multi-instrumentalist! He played his pipe and a flute at once. Awesome music, and a great experience.



Despite the attached macro lens, I was not in the mood for capturing mushrooms macros (after all, it was a family walk, and macro genre requires some focusing and devotion). This time I wanted rather to watch the street life and people's faces. Nevertheless, I noticed a fair amount of mushrooms spilled out on the lawns of the park - mostly Coprinus sp., but also I met Pholiota squarrosa, first time in this season. They are so beautiful and photo-friendly, that of course, it was impossible to pass by and not take a picture. No questions.

Back to streetphoto. 😎 I took a load of captures and simply cant stop adding them to the post... but I should stop somewhere, really.

Another highlight of this walk were soup bubbles. First we saw a large soap bubble floating on the water. Then we saw a large flock of small bubbles flying in the air ... and then I discovered their source - one young lady with a large bucket of soap solution stood near the bridge and delighted the kids with clouds, huge clouds of soap bubbles. I just couldn't get out of there, and I got so much joy that twice (!) I went to her donation box and left my coins there.


I took a lot of photos that will need to be carefully sorted and bad takes removed, this will require a separate post, but for now - this is how it looked.

We met two cats, and I was able to photograph one of them very close. She was hiding in the thick grass behind the fence - she felt completely safe! That's why she let me so close without fear that I was almost able to take a macro photo of it's eyes. Kidding! :) Anyway, I took some portraits. By the way, it was not I who discovered the cat, but my daughter - many thanks to her for this. Let me round up my photo-walk on this note. And -

Happy Caturday!

location: St.Petersburg, Russia October 2022 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv

Thanks for walking with me, see you next time.


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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Great work!

Owl image - awesome! The owner probably has a dozen of owls, hawks, and falcons in her apartment, you are right about her face.

you are right about her face.

masters do influence their pets... and vice versa -- isnt it? 😂 thanks a lot for your compliment 🤸‍♂️ much appreciated! 🍻 let me treat you with a Hive !BEER

Thanks :) Probably, owners choose pets that fit them the most. Sometimes, they choose similar-looking and similar-behaving, then a pet serves "a coat of arms" for them... Sometimes they choose complementary pets. For example, I love cats and prefer them to dogs probably because cats teach me the thing I am so far from, a zen-like state of mind. At the same time, pets often learn behavior from their owners. Angry, unwise people teach their pets to be angry. Wise people don't spoil their pets. I am a wise man (trust me!) and I have learnt how to not infest animals with my own bad traits. I don't disturb cats with my anxiety (as I did when I was a teenager), I make them happy and accept their zen as a gift.

Hey @x-rain, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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Отличные и интересные фотографии!

Но как люди стали "телефонозависимыми"!

как, как.... к хорошему привыкаешь. интерактив, беспрестанное развлекание самого себя без лишних трудозатрат и телодвижений... пальцем тыкнуть, это ж не с дивана вставать. как-то так. :(

На Кипре молодёжь с телефонами вообще вокруг себя ничего не видит, в своём мирке... вот так и ходят по улицам

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Wow an owl. That so different to see a person walking with one. I've never seen that before. It's strange and cool all at the same time.

Agree! totally what I was feeling myself: bizarre+ cool = excited!


Various random activities from people that you find while traveling on Sundays and almost all of you get beautiful moments there.
I'm sure your week will be very pleasant.

I really like cats, very beautiful cats,

me too. Happy #Caturday, meoww! 🤩

Ну прям ты выдал всё... и девочнка в красивых штанах и волынка, и рыбачок и кошки, собаки, совы... класс!

я-то выдал. а вот кураторы похоже не очень-то согласились со мной в оценке 😬
давай-ка откроем батл !BEER в утешение

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one !BEER never objects against other beer, as we used to joke (and thats why it is better than woman )))

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I really enjoyed this slice of life. And do you feel richer now that you have heard bagpipes in person?

Ha! thats a question... I'd rather say "I feel richer" that I had a close look at the actual bagpipe... (we shared same space -- hope that do not sound too pathetically). the sound of bagpipe ofc pretty kwell known to me, it was not a big discovery xD
I am glad you enjoyed the visuals. indeed it was a splendid walk, rich with different stuff. and the pack of little kidz clapping hands and fingering, catching even bigger cloud of soup baloons. i still smile when remember it. (will show more of these, after sorting and editing.)
and a slice of !PIZZA now?

An owl? Who carries an owl to town? At the same time, how cool is that? The owl has the face of his mother. :) It is true what they say!

What a delightful walk and I am so glad you used the 150mm for everything. I think it made a nice change and a great family walk. I would have liked to see a posed shot with the hula hoop.

Everybody really does live for their phones, don't they? They are totally missing the point of life.

Great work, as always! @qwerrie

Have an awesome week!

уже холодрыга у вас, да? к нам приехал товарищ от вас, работает тут, в шлепках ходит зимой и летом, после вас ему тут жара;)