I will show you how to paint eggs for Easter in an adorable way

in Photography Loverslast month (edited)

Hey guys! Since today is Easter, I'm sharing with you this simple way to dye eggs. It's the first time for me to try this method. Eggs are usually painted on Good Friday, so I painted them even then. In previous years, mostly my mom dyed the eggs, but this year I decided to do it myself.

All you need is:

• eggs
• onion peels
• red cabbage
• thin sock
• vinegar

~As for the amount of product, it depends on how many eggs you want to dye. I took one head of red cabbage for 20 eggs.~


• Of course you need to boil the eggs first. I recommend that you don't cook them too much, because you will put them back in hot water afterwards and then they may crack.


• Next, remove the onion peels and chop them into small pieces. I used black and purple onion peels.


• After you have chopped the onion peels, cool the half-boiled eggs a little and roll them wet one by one in the onion peels. Then put them in the sock and tighten it nicely and tie it with some string. Of course, one by one you insert the egg into the sock and so on in order as you see in the picture.



• After you have completed the previous step, you cut the red cabbage, put it in water and pour a little vinegar and salt. Cook for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, just put the eggs in it for 10 minutes. I put all 20 eggs in that cabbage, only 10 were wrapped in that sock, and the other 10 were not. After those 10 minutes have passed, let it all stand for 1 hour.


• I took the eggs that were not wrapped in a sock and decorated them with this decorative foil. I glued it to the eggs with egg white.

It is very important to run cold water through the eggs so that they peel more easily. Don't worry, the color of the egg will not come off.




• And that's it, afterwards you can coat them with oil to make them shine.


You get such beautiful eggs in a very easy way. :)


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I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.


Happy Easter!

I like your way of painting Easter eggs. They came out really nice.

Thanks for sharing the great pics :)