Lake Tahoe Photos From Yesterday's Fishing Adventure

Yesterday was a good day. I was invited out on my buddy Pete's boat for a day of fishing on Lake Tahoe. Just being out on the lake is good enough in my book. But add a couple of caught fish, and some "keeper" landscape photos, and it was a very successful day too!


Pete caught this huge brown trout right at the beginning of our day. It put him in a great mood! He believes it was his personal best for brown trout. I netted the fish for him and I couldn't believe how heavy it was for a brown. Yes, there are bigger fish in the lake, mackinaw get quite a bit bigger. But a brown trout this big is special. It was released so it could go breed and make more mega browns.


I was hoping to keep this second fish for dinner, but when we brought it up onto the boat, we saw that it was incredibly skinny for how long it was. It's hard to tell from this photo, but it looked weird and I didn't trust it. Perhaps it was sick? I don't know but I decided I didn't want to eat it so it was released as well.


It was a long fun day of fishing, not a whole lot of catching... but any day out on the lake is a good day.


Alright. I'll admit that I didn't personally catch any fish :( But... I did catch a bunch of incredible scenes with my camera. There were hardly any wind or waves, which gave the lake surface a mirror-like effect. The clouds were looking great, and with their reflections, they were incredible!


This one below was my personal favorite of the day. The wispy clouds, the incredible blues, the thin mountain line... I love it! It should look great as a large print on a wall.


Both images above were shot with the Canon 5DS R and a 24-105mm lens, handheld. The ISO was 200, and they were both quick exposures. No lens filters were used.


As we were pulling the boat out of the water at the end of the day, the clouds fired off with beautiful pink colors. Unfortunately, there were tons of buoys near the dock so I wasn't able to get any great horizontal wide angle photos. I shot some, but meh... the buoys ruined the shot in my opinion, so I didn't work on any of those. This vertical above was the best of those images.

Below is a photo of the boat launch and the dock. There were hardly any other boats on the water, here you can see why. Launching a boat on an icy ramp isn't easy, but Pete does it often and it was no problem for him.


It was another great fishing and photography adventure! Those kind of days are my favorites.
Thank you for looking and I hope you have all been having some great adventures too.

Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography



That's probably the biggest brown I've ever seen. Usually a typical one is pound a half, great catch for your buddy man!

Those first two shots overlooking the water with the cloud's reflection!

Simply stunning!

You caught some beautifull fish there bud! Hopefully I'll get my ass in gear for some sea fishing this December 🤣🫠


Fish on!!! Glad you like those photos, and I hope you do indeed get out for some fishing. Good luck!

I'll be sure to share some if I do!!

What an amazing day you had surrounded by such a amazing view. Your camera skills are amazing capturing the beauty of nature. Loved the shots of nature.

Thank you @thetimetravelerz! It is so incredibly beautiful up here, I love it.

Wow, I love fishing 😍. You guys have caught something huge o hehehehe. That's beautiful. I love the nature and all the pictures.

Fishing is the best! And yes, it was a huge brown trout. It made our day.
Glad you like the photos!

I cant express how much I loved the reflections! (Whenever I see similar clouds, I just get out of the house looking for reflections myself!)
Good catch of the day too :)

Lots of great catches that day! Reflections are indeed nice to see and to capture. Hopefully, you'll get to see some soon!

Absolutely stunning, the pictures are so beautiful.
You are really good at this.

Thank you, and glad you like the photos!

You are welcome

awww i love these pictures :3 thanks for sharing them

Always happy to share! Glad you love them.

The fishing adventure must have really gone absolutely nice right

Indeed it did!

Beautiful photos, you always show us really unique and amazing photos of mother nature... Thank you...

Thank you @priyanarc! Always happy to share the incredible beauty of the Tahoe area.

So cool!!
Nice view!!!

Glad you like them!

yeah, i like them, i like fishing also, we have the big Padma river near our village with full of fish.

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That's what I call bliss to enjoy one of your passions and also get rewarded by nature with stunning views! Absolutely in love with your shots!

Yes, bliss indeed!!! It was such a great day out there. Glad you like the photos!

Catching fish like this in winters and cooking with friends at night has its own fun and all these places are very beautiful.

So much fun! The day was filled with beauty.

Pete seem to be a good fisherman for him to catch that kind of big fish
At the same time, he was being lucky

Yup! Pete is out fishing on that lake often. A much better fisherman than me... I had luck with the photos, but not the fish.

Looks like great day on the water. Wow that brown trout is epic. Those two reflection shots are really nice. I like the second one also. I'm on this kick lately of REAL photos that look so surreal they are the kind of thing people create with AI...but they are REAL.

Man, I've been seeing a lot of photographers that I respect post AI generated work on facebook lately. It breaks my heart... When mother nature serves up real scenes that look like that, I get so incredibly happy. No AI or BS needed.

Pete was grinning the rest of the day after catching that brown. I would have loved to keep it for dinner, but nope, he wanted it to go make more big browns, lol.


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I have always heard about fishing and truth be told I love fishing but I have never gone for the adventure before

 6 months ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you, I did enjoy the moment, for sure! Fishing Lake Tahoe always makes me happy, even when I get skunked... Hope you get to get out for some fishing soon!