A Day Walk Through Dhaka Metro Rail Station: Capturing Moments of Movement and Magic



Dhaka, the bustling capital of Bangladesh, is a city where tradition meets modernity in a kaleidoscope of colors and experiences. Among its recent infrastructural marvels, the Dhaka Metro Rail stands out as a symbol of progress and efficiency. On a recent evening, armed with my camera and an eagerness to capture the essence of this new transit hub, I set out on a photographic journey through one of the metro rail stations. Here’s a glimpse of what I discovered.


The Station: A Modern Marvel

As I approached the station, the sleek architecture immediately caught my eye. The clean lines and contemporary design are a stark contrast to the often chaotic streets of Dhaka. The station’s facade, with its expansive glass windows and metallic accents, glistened in the fading light of the evening, offering a perfect subject for the first set of shots.


I aimed my lens upwards, capturing the grandeur of the structure. The way the evening light played off the glass and metal was mesmerizing. The station seemed to be bathed in a golden glow, reflecting the vibrancy of a city on the move.

Capturing the Rail


Inside, the metro rail itself became the focal point of my photography. The trains, sleek and modern, stood ready at the platform. The rhythmic arrival and departure of the trains provided dynamic opportunities for motion photography.

I positioned myself at various points along the platform to capture the trains from different angles. One particularly striking shot was a long exposure of a train pulling into the station, its lights creating a dazzling blur against the steady lines of the platform. This image perfectly encapsulated the speed and efficiency of the metro system.

The People: Stories in Motion


No metro station is complete without its passengers, and Dhaka’s metro station was teeming with life. From daily commuters hurrying to catch their trains to curious first-time travelers, the station was a microcosm of the city’s diverse population.


I captured candid shots of people in various moments – a group of friends chatting animatedly, a mother holding her child’s hand as they navigated the station, and a young professional engrossed in her smartphone. Each photograph told a unique story, reflecting the human element that brings the station to life.

One particularly touching moment was a shot of an elderly man sitting on a bench, his face lined with age and experience, gazing thoughtfully at the bustling scene around him. This image, contrasting the newness of the metro with the timeless nature of human expression, was one of my favorites.

A Wonderful Evening


As the evening progressed, the station took on a different character. The artificial lights flickered on, casting a warm and inviting glow. The station, now less crowded, had a serene, almost magical quality to it.


I captured the changing atmosphere, focusing on the interplay of light and shadow. The reflections on the polished floors, the soft hum of the trains, and the distant chatter of passengers created a tranquil yet dynamic scene.

One of my final shots was taken from a footbridge overlooking the station. The view was breathtaking – the twinkling lights of the city in the background, the steady flow of trains below, and the silhouette of the station against the evening sky. This panoramic shot encapsulated the essence of Dhaka – a city constantly in motion, yet pausing for moments of beauty and reflection.

My walk through the Dhaka Metro Rail Station was a journey not just through a physical space, but through the stories and moments that define this vibrant city. Through my lens, I captured not just the infrastructure, but the spirit of Dhaka – its people, its progress, and its promise. This evening walk reaffirmed that even in the hustle and bustle, there is beauty to be found in every corner, if only we take the time to look.

So next time you’re in Dhaka, take a moment to explore the metro rail station. You might find, as I did, that it’s not just a means of getting from point A to point B, but a destination in itself, rich with stories waiting to be told.

Wherever you travel - be sure to keep an eye on the environment. Do not litter anywhere.
Happy traveling


Really amazing the progress from day to night that were capture in every photography, a big city with a bunch of stories all together in one place, it looks like a place for a movie. Thanks for the images.

Life here is actually like a movie, I can make a video documentary if I want, I think I will make it. No one knows anyone, waiting for everyone, and everyone has different stories, different destinations.

Anyway Thank you for your attention. 🤍

Very nice series 👍

@haastrecht thank you😊