Photowalk in Vienna's 15th district at the Grätzl Art Open


Yesterday I visited Vienna's 15th district, also called Rudolfsheim Fünfhaus. I visited a few art studios that were part of the Grätzlart Open. It is a fun event where local artists open up their studios for visitors to look behind the scenes. It was an amazing little walk and I had quite some beers as it is fit for a beer Saturday. But this Saturday was not about BEER but about art so let's get into that!


I got of at Westbahnhof and my first stop was the studio called Studiowalls in the Löhrgasse. (No.16 on the map) This is the studio where my wife does her art as well so naturally this felt good as a starting point.

I arrived just in time to have a look at the screenprinting workshop that started at the bottom of the studio. Screenprinting is such a cool technique to get colors on fabrics. It is also a very delicate process and there are a lot of steps involved until you have the print on the textile of your choice.


There was a lot of interest for the screenprinting workshop and I will definitely try this technique myself at some point.


Concentration is key when it comes to art a process that requires high precision.


To get the color through the screen you need to put a lot of pressure on it.


The color on this shirt is wet and still has to dry. I did not get a picture of the drying process because it was time to move on.

The street in front of Studiowalls.

After Studiowalls we went to explore all the other art studios in the district. Of course we could not visit all of them but we have been on a really enjoyable walk and I took my trusty Sony with me to document the stations.

Next up was Pelzgasse and a graphic design studio and 2 goldsmith workshops. I found all of it quite fascinating. Especially having a look inside an old printing machine was super cool.


First station was the goldsmith in Pelzgasse she does really cool glass and 3d printed jewelry and also classic pieces. She had some customers in the workshop so I did not ask questions. Hnce I don't know what is used for what.


You can see some gold dust in that pan.

This is some sort of press and it has mother Mary and baby Jesus on there so it must be a precious press.


work in progress on the workstation in the middle of the workshop.


The studios in Pelzgasse where really close to each other.


The printing workshop had a bunch of cool things to look at.


Some obsolete money with obsolete politicians on them


A look inside a printer with a hand crank

Next up was another goldsmith workshop where you can learn the mastery of a goldsmith from scratch. It is the only private school that offers the studies of becoming a goldsmith. after 2800 hours you are eligible to get your "Gesellenbrief" (Certificate of apprenticeship) And after another 2-3 years you can get your "Meisterbrief" (master's certificate)


Ten apprentices can learn at the same time in the biggest goldsmith workshop in Austria



After the goldsmith we went for the Markgraf Rüdiger Gasse and had some cool talks with the local artists who where all very friendly and open. Here are some more impressions from some of the studios.
I did not really concentrate on taking pictures anymore at this point because my battery was almost empty and, professional as I am I forgot to bring a second battery...





I hope you enjoyed this little walk of art in the 15th district.
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What a great walk you had! It's great to see art workshops opening doors to amateurs to sneak peek into the creation process! Can't decide which one I like the best, the screenprinting or those goldsmith workshops... It's great to see that these small galleries/workshops are still surviving and delivering unique artworks!

Thanks for sharing!

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It was a really nice Saturday. Unfortunately somewhere along the ride I lost my purse with all my cards and my social security card and my drivers license. Will be tough to replace all those things.

OMG! That sucks big time!
I know exactly how you feel as the same happened to me a long time ago... I had all the same as you + a large amount of company money in cash! I will never forget that...

I hope you blocked your cards on time and now you have to apply for duplicates of all documents and cards... 😧

Head up and do what you have to do... I hope you will succeed in doing it without a lot of hassle...

Wow, out there are soo many artist making the good art!!

  • This is a great post i love it.

Saludos ✊🏻💌

Thank you! It was a very cool experience to see all these artists in their studios. Next one is in June and it is going to be a different district. So I am already looking forward to that one.

Sweet, what country is that? I'm from venezuela and i enjoy almous every art. I do graffiti and skate (if u want to know ).

  • I have a goal to bring up that type of studios into this small town, art museum in the streets.

It is in Austria. In Vienna there is an initiative to give unrented property to artists to make use of the space. It is an amazing thing for them since they can get studios for cheap and sometimes even for free.

  • Awesoooome!

Thats why the Blockchain in general is so nice, easy to find mutual interest. ✊🏻⚡

I love the fact that you were able to participate a bit in that screen printing
We’ve got so many cool artistes that we have never heard of
Good adventure!

Yes it was a lot of fun, I hope to do more posts like these.

Looks really fun! Being a goldsmith would be amazing tbh :D

I was playing with the idea as well, but it is a full time course and takes you about 2-3 years to complete, just to be an apprentice and it is super expensive as well.

Yeah, I could take that it takes so long but the cost nah lol

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