We say goodbye to winter - April in Lillomarka - [Żegnaj Zimo]

in Photography Lovers2 months ago (edited)

We are just a few kilometers from the buildings of the capital of Norway. In the Norwegian forests, winter leaves late and reluctantly. Sometimes, even in May, I find gullies hiding remnants of snow. At the beginning of April, the lakes hidden in spruce and birch woods are usually still covered with ice, although it is loosening at the shores. Where the snow has given way to the forest floor, it is usually very damp and it is easy to sink into ankle-deep wet moss.

Jesteśmy zaledwie kilka kilometrów od zabudowań stolicy Norwegii. W norweskich lasach, zima odchodzi późno i z ociąganiem. Nieraz nawet i w maju znajduję parowy, w których skrywają się resztki śniegu. Na początku kwietnia skryte w świerkowo-brzozowych gąszczach jeziora zwykle wciąż są skute lodem, choć puszczającym u brzegów. Tam gdzie śnieg ustąpił leśnej ściółce, zwykle jest bardzo wilgotno i łatwo jest zatopić się w mokrym mchu po kostki .












My previous entries from Lillomarka:

Moje poprzednie wpisy z Lillomarki:

April 2015
December 2016
Ole Høilands Hula
January 2023

All photographs © Stafhalr 2023


I think it would be a kind of privilege to see late and reluctant winter which is taking time to say good bye. Isn't it?

What a beautiful landscape! I have seen some places in Norway and it is beautiful, I love the way the snow looks.

what nature - a delight!

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!