High Desert street art

Desert scene

I never tire of the beautiful high desert in the fall. The rocks are always gorgeous - throw in some blue skies and cottonwoods turning yellow makes the color combinations really fun.

Desert Pano

The panoramic views are spectacular.


But then... what's this? There are also ancient petroglyphs when you hike in closer.

Closer view

Petroglyphs here's a link to the National Park Services answering "What are petroglyphs?"

Horned robots

I led with my best photos. But I saw petroglyphs at several different locations.


Some were quite faint and easy to miss.


Combine the creativity of ancient humans and the creativity of modern humans and its easy to see how "Ancient Aliens" captured many peoples imagination. Season 19 Episode 20 counts down the Top 10 Ancient Alien Petroglyphs 😂

Unicorn hat

You could easily plan an entire petroglyph themed visit to Utah's National Parks. Happy Friday everyone 🙂


Omg they're amazing! We have them in Australia too. Just incredible.

So crazy to have a connection to the past thats so real

Yay! 🤗
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It is certainly a landscape with a lot of contrast perfect for photography. Best regards!

!discovery 40

Thanks its a great place for hikes and photography 👍

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Amazing hikes you did during your last trip... You've even seen Rock Art, the ancestor of Street Art, lucky you! 😀
Have a great weekend

Thanks. I almost did a straight up street art post as a joke

It would have been in this week's selection for sure 😀

Very cool!

Its pretty deep to contemplate how old these are and other humans from the past creating them

I've not spent much time in Utah but the petroglyphs that I have seen in AZ NM and CA have left me in awe. Trying to imagine the people who were standing in that same place as me all those many years ago is wondrous.

Well said wonderous and awesome. Happy Friday 🙂

Congratulations @steven-patrick!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!

This is easily one of the coolest trips of some time!
At 7, I was MUCH too young to remember these cool details, when we went as a family.
Going to have to put it on my list!

It was a great time. And Salt Lake City is much more cosmopolitan than you would expect. A foodie like you will not be too disappointed 😉

I've been to Salt Lake City. Nice.
I spent quite a bit of my younger days traveling for work.. worked in most of canada, all states but Hawaii so far. Still travel some, but not as much since pre pandemic.