A curious fox

in Photography Lovers2 months ago

A curious fox


Hello everyone

Today I thought it would be interesting to introduce you to a very cute wild animal.

Usually these wild animals hide in the presence of humans and we may rarely see them.

Last year in September we were in Dâmbovița county where we visited some amazing places and on the way back home on the roads winding through the misty mountains we were lucky enough to meet some very friendly foxes who seemed to be waiting to be photographed.










I have to admit that the sight of these foxes seemed to mesmerize me, but their red fur and bushy tails make them extremely attractive.













If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone(Samsung Galaxy S21), and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉


You took some really nice shots of the fox but you should be careful next time. Naturally, foxes are very shy animals and they usually run away from humans. If they are this fearless and friendly, they are often infected with rabies. The disease numbs their natural instincts.

@tipu curate

Thank you very much for the advice, I kept some distance, but I have to admit that these foxes were really very friendly, they were definitely not sick but they were like that because of the tourists feeding them.
In our mountainous area tourists made some huge mistakes, they started to feed wild animals on the roadsides, wild animals having no food in the forests started to come down to the villages and even to the towns.
We have the same problem with bears, which you sometimes think are such cute pets when you feed them.
It seems to me that these animals are already lost because they no longer get their own food, but prefer to sit on the side of the road and wait for food from tourists.

I see. Yeah, that´s actually sad. I mean it looks cool but in fact, these animals are indeed kind of lost, like you said. In Slovakia, the country of our eastern neighbors, they are currently having some big problems with the bears. There have been many cases of the bears attacking and injuring people not just in nature but even in villages and towns. Maybe this is happening in your country too.

The same problem is here too, bears have descended on towns like Sibiu, Brasov, towns at the foot of the mountains, and yes, we have seen on TV several attacks by bears in these areas, attacks that have resulted in the death of people.

After all, they remain wild animals and we are in their territory.

If we can keep a safe distance from these animals, we will be safe.

I´m sorry to hear that you have these problems too but just like you said, it´s their territory after all, they have been living in those places for thousands of years. It´s us, humans, who have been constantly occupying more and more natural habitats of creatures that have been living on this planet much longer than us...

Beautiful foxes... and they don't attack? You're so lucky to have these beautiful photos in your collection.

The foxes were very friendly but let's not forget that they are wild animals, so I didn't get very close.
I'm so glad you liked the pictures and thank you for stopping by.

😇 Better safe than sorry. Cheers! It's a pleasure for me.

Have a wonderful weekend.

What a beautiful landscape!!

Are these fox friendly? did you gave them some food?

I'm so glad you liked it.

Thanks for stopping by.

That's a rare occasion! You've got lucky there. Nice pictures and I always like my litte canine cousins 😜