Journey to That Home!

Namaste to all #hive #nature and #Photography lovers.🙏

Going to the mountains feels like going home to me.

And this is not about any one particular place. Wherever I go in the mountains, I feel at home. Sometimes I wonder if I have any connection with these trees, mountains and valleys in my past life. Some people may like to live in the city, but the village is their home for some.

I had a casual conversation with a city dweller a few days ago. Although I also live in a city, my heart wants to live in the countryside, near the mountains. Well, he said that earlier he also used to live in a village away from the city, but after living in a developed city for the last few years, he has started liking it. Listening to him saying all this, I started thinking that I was born in this developed city and have always lived here, so why don't I enjoy living here🫤? But anyway, I pulled myself out of the ocean of my mind and started listening to him. He cited many benefits of living in the city and all of those reasons were valid and good.

I also understand the importance of all those amenities, but now after knowing my inner self a little, the priorities in my life have become less about luxuries and more about peace, tranquillity, greenery and freshness. Because some old things like greenery, fresh air and sunshine always remain new and fresh.

And since we have grown up amidst all the amenities, I dream of a house amidst nature, where there are some facilities too. :P
I think this will prove to be a good blend, where I will be able to live the life of my choice and none of my fams will have any problem with this desire of mine. :)

Well, let's see when the journey from this house to that house will be completed.

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading it. Generally, I keep writing blogs on financial markets, nature, gardening, food and travel. If you like any of these topics then you can also follow me. I deeply appreciate your comments and votes. 🙏


  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. Boarder Image by Freepik
  3. All gifs are created by @irisworld
  4. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

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That's all for today.
Have a Happy and Blessed day!


Simplicity in nature♥️
Thank you for reminding us of the true meaning of life.

Thank you for appreciating this reminder😊🌼

mountain are much better than metropolitan city .... there is peace and calmness around the nature of mountains.... amazing photography..m

Thank you for appreciating😊🙏


The natural beauty surrounding the mountains is very beautiful.

It really is beautiful😊 Thank you for appreciating it!🙏

You're welcome. Thanks to you too

Akhilji, This does not happen to everyone. You are fortunate, nature is attracting you, and your attachment to it shows this. By the way, you have taken very beautiful photos. thanks for sharing

Thank you for appreciating it mulik ji🙏 Nature is home, aur wo ghar hi kaisa jo aapko aakarshit na kare. 🌼😊

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks to your entire team and @ackhoo 🫰 😊

Hermoso paisaje captado

Una cosa muy buena de las personas bellas y positivas es que ven la belleza ver todas partes.🌼😊

Beautiful images friend, I hope that one day your wish comes true, having a landscape like this is worth it 🌟🌟🤩

Thank you so much for saying this🌼😊

Such different mountain landscapes! Super!

Thank you for appreciating it!😊

The mountains are touching the clouds and the scenery is very beautiful. I am a big fan of scenes like this 😍

Such views are truly beautiful.
Thank you for your comment😊🙏

Is that the Himalayan Mountain in the background, towering high in the distance.

Yess you guessed it right, it is the Himalayan mountain range.
Thanks for your vote😊👍🏼

I understand your wish to surround yourself with the beauty of nature. I love to visit the city, but waking up each day in the woods beside the river is what brings me joy!

Waking up each day in the woods beside the river is what brings me joy!

That's exactly what I wish for🤗 Thank you so much for the curation and this joyful comment!😊🌼

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Thank you so much🤗