Blues and Yellow umbrellas - contrasts of life and "This is my spot - 0,0,0,0" ! 😎

in Photography Lovers β€’ 6 months ago

I didn't invent the rainy day, man. I just own the best umbrella - Almost famous (movie)

Don't we all get the blues when it suddenly starts raining in the summer. The dark clouds dampen our mood. Everything around is wet...

I certainly was about to start singing the blues (and was about to risk a police complaint from the neighbors for the caterwauling that would have been my singing πŸ˜€) - when I saw this brilliantly blue bird fly and perch below a yellow leaf!

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Wow ! Could there BE any more positive symbolism in life ( I sounded almost like Chandler Bing there didn't I!πŸ˜‚)

As we all know - a Yellow umbrella is a symbol for hope and love and everything that can be positive in life.

So - here was the #tedmosby of birds. With his own Yellow umbrella - like the one carried by Ted Mosby in the TV show "How I met your mother"

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This seemed to be the Verditer flycatcher's favorite home spot like the (0,0,0,0) coordinates for his favorite spot on the couch as stated by Sheldon Cooper of the TV show "Big Bang Theory"

When the sun was out, the bird flew around and perched on other branches...

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However, a little darkening of the sky, a bit of a wind and back the bird went to it's home spot. Snuggling even closer to the yellow umbrella - as we can see in the click below...

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By the way - this was not the only blue bird around either! Blues abounded that day when the sun was caught in dark depressing clouds.

Here is one more blue, a Blue rock thrush hiding in it's own comfy spot in a rocky crevice..

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So - some blues had a yellow umbrella and others had a solid rocky roof over their head. One blue though, carried' it's own sunshine!

See this Tickel's blue flycatcher that has it's own right yellow coloring on his body - always reminding everyone of sunshine!

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So - I thoroughly enjoyed the positive symbols sent by mother nature that day. It lifted my mood and I was buoyant again.

What do you think ? Have you attempted or would you attempt anything like this in photography? If so, please share your experience in comments.*

Please comment freely and let me know your opinion. I will try to bring many different types of wildlife photos/macro/Astro posts to the community. Feedback and comments are welcome,. I am still learning many techniques and always value feedback from experts in this community.

Have a nice day everyone. Cheers!

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The photography results are quite beautiful.

Thank you so much for your kind words of appreciation

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Great colour combinations! Really felt the positivity and good vibes here πŸ˜€ also enjoyed all the fun tv references, made me smile.

@hellsveiah Thank you so much. I am glad you felt the positivity. As to the TV references, they are for old shows (fit for a dinosaur like me) but am glad that they still made you smile.

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Haha πŸ˜„ have watched all of those show.

They sure know how to pick the good spots. Awesome captures! !BEER

@pardinus LOL Wish we could pick our spots that easily. πŸ˜€

singature small avatar.png

Ahahhah absolutely!

You have some cute birdies here. Nice shots!

@erikah Thank you so much. Coming from you that's a great pat on the back

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Hey @vm2904, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Love the colors of these birds. Especially the blue and yellow one.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I keep seeing interesting birds and animals. I try to capture some nice photographs. It is a different niche in photography so thought I will regularly present it in the community. Hope it is not boring for the members. πŸ˜€

singature small avatar.png

No problem. Thanks for sharing such cool pictures.

The blue birds are so cute
I’ve never seen a blue bird in my entire life though

@rafzat We need to get away from city locations a bit to see some interesting birds. The blue ones in this post (Verditer flycatcher and Blue rock thrush) are usually seen near edge of forests.

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Β 6 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

The photography are really amazing I must truly confess

@biyimi Thank you for taking the time to enjoy my clicks and for the kind words of encouragement.

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The photography are really amazing I must truly confess

Stunning vibrant colours to lift ones mood, even when gloomy rain days set in.

No more 'blues' simply look into nature to find positive joy.

Nice results with each bird presented and story line to ponder.

@tipu curate

@joanstewart Thanks. Not many of us get the chance to appreciate the positivity in nature in our daily lives. Hopefully, my post will give an opportunity to some of us to do so.

As usual - you have correctly captured the essence of the post. Thank you for all the support.

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Rain here today a blessing, small white-bellied sunbird singing joyfully right outside my window.
