Bouncing beauties ! 😁 Not the BAYWATCH kind!

in Photography Lovers β€’ 7 months ago

Remember BAYWATCH? I am sure then you remember those beauties that bounced and ran on the beach?😁

Well, I found a different kind of bouncing beauty in the wild...

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I was roaming around on the weekend in a large grassland. The grassland is pretty much at an off-beat location and there was not a single human in sight.

I was out there looking for some raptors to photograph. However, the birds had probably decided to take the day off πŸ˜„

I could not spot a single bird of prey or for that matter, ANY bird of significance even after roaming around for 2 hours. I was about to give up and go home when, over the horizon, wandered in a group of black bucks.

They were in a frolicking, happy mood too. For no reason, a few of them suddenly started bounding up and down. Leaping over each other and in the process, leaping almost 5-6 feet in the air.

These 4-5 young bucks seemed to particularly enjoy suddenly leaping in all different directions at once!

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The grown males were jumping too, as they ran. All 4 hooves off ground. The picturesque pink flowers in the green grass, the blue sky and the handsome buck was a treat for the eyes...

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On my other side, where the grass was dry due to the lack of water, another group of black-bucks was up to their usual bouncing too! Here is a young buck jumping and running around...

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The leader of the clan, a lovely male adult black buck with large twisted horns, kept a keen eye on his heard. He also watched me curiously. At one point of time, he walked right up to my car and stared at me..

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It was awesome to see the grown male buck at such close range. I almost forgot to click. Instinct took over, luckily and I managed to click couple of shots before he suddenly got alarmed and retreated.

The whole bouncing show lasted for about 5 minutes and then, just as suddenly and silently the herd had appeared over the ridge, it retreated...

Left behind was silence, long expanse of waving grass and me.....

I spent more than half a day that day in that grassland but was happy to get these clicks...

Here are the settings I used:

  • ISO 100 (Due to the bright sunlight)
  • Shutter 1/1000 (to capture and freeze the fast action)
  • Handheld
  • Lens 200-500 Nikkor
  • Camera Nikon D500

It is due to the fast frame rates of todays digital cameras that it is possible to freeze suchh amazing action in frames I really enjoyed taking these freeze action shotts

What do you think ? Have you attempted or would you attempt anything like this in photography? If so, please share your experience in comments.

Please comment freely and let me know your opinion. I will try to bring many different types of wildlife photos/macro/Astro posts to the community. Feedback and comments are welcome,. I am still learning many techniques and always value feedback from experts in this community.

Have a nice day everyone. Cheers!

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You got my vote for the hilarious intro comment to your post! @vm2904 πŸ˜…

@tipu curate 2

@ninahaskin Thank you. I do not know what caused the association in my mind but it was funny so went with it πŸ˜€

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The Deer bounces so well
The capturing makes sense
Nice one!

Bouncing beauty deer 😻

Thanks. I am glad you enjoyed the pics and the caption πŸ˜€

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Frolicking in the grass what a delightful scene, a handsome antelope looking exceptionally healthy.

!LOLZ happy bouncing around because they want to, why not?

@joanstewart Yes. I guess that is what freedom is all about πŸ˜€.

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Wonder what sets them off, a simple act of happiness suddenly explodes.

@joanstewart Guess it is their way for spending the extra energy πŸ˜€

I was fascinated seeing cows doing this in Europe years ago, I know antelope have crazy moments, but cows?

Cows? Wow - that must have been a unique experience πŸ˜€

Loving weather in Autumn at the time, never seen such lively cows like that again.

I still prefer the ones in Baywatch. But I agree these ones are great! Lol.

@nevies You are right. Baywatch and these beauties are both lovely and each has their own place. I too like Baywatch but admire these ones in the wild. πŸ˜€

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Such beauties indeed! And yes not the baywatch kind! You got amazing shots!