Lipstick, eyeshadow and polka dots - beauty ready to party clicked !! ๐Ÿ˜Ž Wildlife photography fun!

in Photography Lovers โ€ข 2 months ago

"Beauty is in the eye of the BEER-holder" - Anonymous


Though funny, it is not necessarily true I think. I was stunned by the beauties I saw on Sunday. They looked like they had bright scarlet lipstick, dark eye shadow and were ready to party with a red and black dress with white polka dots...

Wondering where on earth I saw such beauties'?

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LOL - Yes. I am talking about the ladies of the avian domain.

Female Red Avadavats to be specific. More commonly known as Strawberry finches.

There are some birds that visually stun me so much that I almost forget to click the shutter of my camera. I keep watching and soaking in their beauty when they hop around and forget all about photography.

The Red avadavat is one such species of birds where sometimes, I have missed some grand shots because I kept gazing in my viewfinder and forgot to click...

Though the males of the species are definitely more 'RED' and have more dazzling colors, the female avadavat seems like a lady with subtlety but with just a hint of that wild partying side...๐Ÿ˜€

Here is the pic of the Red Avadavat male - for comparison...

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Though flamboyantly colored in red and handsome, I always get a sort of 'angry bird' feel when I look at the male Red Avadavat! ๐Ÿ˜‚

On the other hand, the lady Red Avadavat has a beautiful combination of pale yellow + grey, almost pastel color shades, beautifully balancing out the starker red and black colors. The white polka dots just add a dash of interest.


Though subtle, the lady also has a scarlet beak, like she has lipstick on. She also has black eye shadow. Combine that with her colorful skirt with black, red and polka dots, she is ready to paint the town red!

It is even more spectacular when two of them sit side by side - looking almost as if they are ready to gossip at the party!


Here is one more closeup of the lady at a different location with a green bokeh background that really brings out the colors on her body... And also a fly that she was trying to feign ignorance of !

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So - What do you think of the lady ? Is she ready to party or what ? ๐Ÿ˜€

Capture of these clicks involved lot of patience and walking around stealthily behind these birds, trying to get close. I think it was fun. Do you think it was worth it? Have you attempted or would you attempt anything like this in photography? If so, please share your experience in comments.

Please comment freely and let me know your opinion. I will try to bring many different types of wildlife photos/macro/Astro posts to the community. Feedback and comments are welcome,. I am still learning many techniques and always value feedback from experts in this community.

Have a nice day everyone. Cheers!

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Very beautiful birds!

I donโ€™t think we have birds as beautiful as these here
These birds look so cute
I love them!

Gorgeous female birds, really looks ready to party all made up. Capturing photography not the easiest one does tend to have to spend time quietly watching where their mood will take them next.