You may NEVER see this bird - using photography for beautiful memories of Endangered wildlife species...

in Photography Lovers4 months ago

HIVE + Photography - what a powerful way to preserve lovely memories of some beautiful species that are endangered. I request you to support and spread this message far and wide.

Of course, while these clicks will serve as memories of the species after it becomes extinct, my fond hope is that through some beautiful clicks and slogans, we can spread awareness about protection of these endangered species and avoid their extinction.

While I typically do not use slogans or captions, I have always been inspired by @castleberrys way of using slogans and captions sometimes to convey a strong message. So - in this post, I am going to provide a caption for the pictures with a message to help save the endangered Black-bellied tern.

It is becoming rarer and rarer to see the Black-bellied tern now. The species is endangered due to many reasons but prominently due to loss of habitat, pollution in lakes and rivers etc.

I happened to see one lone black-bellied tern and managed to get some lovely images after spending 2-3 hours.

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Help spread awareness to protect the Black-bellied tern from extinction

The Black-bellied tern is a fast bird which flies low over water bodies. It twists and turns suddenly as it keep an eye on fishes in the water and insects.

It is quite difficult to pan with the bird at high speed and capture an image of it in flight. I had to try with 100s of images before I got this nice one in flight... After hundreds of images of one or the other wings cut in the frame, or out of focus shots, seeing this image was ecstatic for me...

_DS13879-ON1-FULL (FILEminimizer).jpg
Help! I am an endangered species!

I then kept observing the bird as it went about it's daily routine. I managed to find a rock on which it sat for rest once in a while and captured the following clicks...

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Help me survive - don't pollute the lakes

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Here I come - please provide me with a safe environment

_DS13695-ON1-FULL (FILEminimizer).jpg
I am beutiful - please don't let me get extinct

_DS13838-ON1-FULL (FILEminimizer).jpg
I want to spread my wings - please protect my habitat

Hope you like this lovely bird and will help to support it's preservation.

These clicks were a major photography challenge too. I had to experiment a lot to capture the pictures of this fast flying bird with unpredictable twist and turns in flight.

I used the following settings for capturing flight shots:

  • ISO: 100 (Kept ISO low to avoid over exposure on the white parts of the bird)
  • Shutter 1/4000 (to capture and freeze fast flying motion)
  • Aperture: 7.1 (to keep as much of the bird in focus as possible)
  • Hand held and panning with the bird to keep full bird in frame as it flew

It was all hard work but when I see the results, I feel immensely satisfied.

What do you think ? Was it all worth it? Have you attempted or would you attempt anything like this in photography? If so, please share your experience in comments.*

Please comment freely and let me know your opinion. I will try to bring many different types of wildlife photos/macro/Astro posts to the community. Feedback and comments are welcome,. I am still learning many techniques and always value feedback from experts in this community.

Have a nice day everyone. Cheers!

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It is so sad to read about another endangered species. They all deserve to have their habitat.

Your photos are always outstanding, because you are dedicated so much.

@nelinoeva - Yes it is sad but it is not too late yet. Let us spread awareness and stop habitat loss. We can try and give it our best shot.

These are some great shots and slogans! I had never seen nor heard of this bird. It looks really cool. I hope they have a major comeback! Glad to see you back in action my friend.

@castleberry Yes - I hope they have a major comeback too. I am trying to do my little ant's share in the task of conservation through my posts here. Some day I hope to start contributing the hive dollars my post make towards the conservation efforts too.
Thank you for your encouragement as always. I am swamped with some projects in the winding up stage but am still trying to post once or twice a week. Planning a post later today too.

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That's a beautiful bird and you are doing a good thing raising awareness for it's preservation and I hope it works. Thanks for taking the pains to capture the pictures and share. Have a great day.

@aloysiusmbaba Thank you for taking the time to read the post and expressing your support. Let us hope the message spreads and habitat destruction is stopped eventually.

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Beautiful shots! Now there's one species I've never seen. Let's hope more and more people grow an eco conscience, seeing photos like those surely helps. Cheers! !BEER

@pardinus Since it is an endangered species, the numbers are very few. I believe there are less than 1000 birds in the world now. So - it is natural that you may not have seen it. In my 4-5 years of wildlife photography trips, I have seen it only twice.
Yes - i hope people grow a conscience and protect wild habitats.
Thanks for your kind words about the clicks

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Yeah, seeing wildlife is almost always question of luck as well; there's a ton of supposedly common species that I'm yet to see here in Portugal! Cheers! !BEER

Hey @vm2904, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on HIVE and on HIVE Engine.

I love all of the shots
The pictures are so lovely

Some great shots of a beautiful subject. Thanks for including why you chose the camera settings, this helps people learn to photograph better.

The bird's beak is outstanding!