I am the only motherfucker on the internet pointing to a direct source for Voice to Skull, electronic terrorism.

in Dunk Social3 years ago (edited)

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.

You know, you still could potentially salvage your reputation if you stopped harassing people and presented your content in a more professional, serious manner that doesn't look like tinfoil-hat chaff. I could even help with the latter if you show some initiative and address the former.

Lol you posted this to dunksocial.. haha!

Lol, you spammed your own post,...

Are you getting what you need from the hive?

what is mean that number (-3) on your name

It means people downvoted his comments and posts so much that his reputation dropped below zero and went negative. This may be because he was the target of malicious attacks, or because he's a serial spammer whose behavior was deemed inappropriate by the community. Since the blockchain is public, you can weigh the evidence for yourself if you adjust your settings to show negative reputation content.

@sqube! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @bokica80.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (10/10)

It is because that account and its other accounts which are bots are getting downvoted for spamming Hive.

I'm Lance Riedl aka @sqube. I'll more than likely be dead soon...

Just asking to know how much longer your spamming will go on.

Lance, dude are you the owner of @anddumbcunts ?

Commont that shit is unamerican and bigot, stop downvoting random americans for no good reason.

Hi @sqube can you explain me, why you downvoted on all my posts, without explanation? It is not ok what you are you doing here.
You use another account (@anddumbcunts), to downvote people. How long you think you will be here welcome? It is not ok to do such things, without having a reason. This platform is not to spread hate here.

So, please to explain me, why you downvote all of my posts, what is the reason? Do you really not have anything else to do?


He's just an idiot... have ideas... not sure what the objective is but I am not interested... he probably feels hurt because he was an investor on steem. So, not it's getting ranted...

I would just ignore him... he can do all the scripting he wants... it will not make any difference LOL

can you please take downvotes from my posts.