Houston we have lift off! Auto good news and new lamps!

in WeedCash Network9 months ago (edited)

Hello fellow weed growers!

So last couple postings i always sound disappointed with one of my autos and the bud colours on the inside.
Today i was looking into other plants in the tent from the side of the LED and i came to realize what seemed to be mold on the HPS side of the tent is in fact a purple/pink color that i had not caught in this strain before that is all, the plant is actually really healthy and i came to realize the PK 13/14 i gave for a week was right on time. Some shots of it!





The rest of them are now starting to form true flowers!





I didn't turn off the HPS so everything is on the yellow side of things but they now look healthier, like i discussed on this post with @futuremind, some of them under the LED tend to get yellow as they grow really fast under it, to avoid this, i have been supplying some extra CO2 and more distance from the canopy and seems to be helping.

On the cloning/seeding tent all is going normal, my clones still look a bit like crap but i know they get there, the new lamp will help on this i will discuss it next.
So far i use a digital ballast and while they are smaller i go for 400W only more than and i notice they really start to struggle.


Critical +


Blue Hot Chesse





Bought some new lights!

I go a new pair of HPS lamps, this ones i have been at least for 6 months on their job and they should have been replace already but i had no chance till now.


Xtrasun is for the flower room, it is almost all of it red and with an estimate output of 85k lumens.

LuxPlus is for the clone tent and has 90000 lumens and presents a more white/blue side than the other one.

That is it for today people! Feel free to give me any feedback on the comments! Cheers!


That's unfortunate about the mold man, but otherwise your plants look good.
That's a good insight about the light intensity with the LED's.
I've noticed that some phenos of the same variety will respond differently to the spectrum intensity. Some seem to thrive under them and some suffer from the yellowing, so a little trial and error running clone systems is a good method for tent grows, in my opinion.

I bet that was such a relief once you saw it was not mold! Looks really beutifull. I wonder if it is the HPS light bringing out that color?

Posted using WeedCash Network

i think it is the pheno of this particular plant, had plenty of this now, maybe some 5 and this one is the first pink one, i really was relived to know it was not mold!

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