AFRITUNES WEEK #81_ALONE (Cover) by @ovey10

in AFRI-TUNES9 months ago

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AFRITUNES WEEK #81_ALONE (Cover) by @ovey10


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Hello There, I welcome you to my blog once again. This is an entry for Afritunes community week 81 and for this week I bring to us a cover of "ALONE" by Neeja.

This is basically a gospel song with a beautiful interpretation I so much love. Loneliness is never the best thing specially when you need someone to fill in the gap for you. To want to isolate yourself for a while from people is not a bad idea since our quiet times helps us to think and resharpened our ourselves very well, it's different from the the loneliness I'm taking about. The scenario where by people are running away from you and nobody wants to associate with you, you will definitely become lonely and left alone to fight your battles.

This song by Neeja, emphasizes how kind and loving God is such that no matter how your problems are, He doesn't run away from you instead he is there to help and never live. No doubts humans can change for sure but God existed even before time begun and He is still the same God.

This is actually a comfort song that can help a broken heart rise again. I will not bored you with words but I'll leave you all to watch the video.

I tried and changed the main pattern of the song, I wanted to sound a bit different from the original and I am glad I did come up with this.
Thank you 🙏🙏

Thank You 🙏🙏




When everything won dey fall apart
When my life no won make sense at all
My assurance is i’m not alone
Jesus you are sited on the throne
When nobody fit to solve my case
When e be like say my life dey waste
My assurance is I’m not alone
Jesus you are sited on the throne


I no dey alone
I no dey alone
Jesus you are here with me
No matter what i face
I no fit lose my faith
Jesus you are here with me

{Verse 2}

When i don waka reach end of road
I am confidence you are in control
I know you make a way
where there seems to be no way
you say you no go leave me
na my confidence be the

Lyrics Source


Thank You

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Honestly, our problems, anxiety, etc, doesn't stop the master from being who he is. He knows it all and at the right time he will put things in place for us.. nice entry broh

 9 months ago  

Yes boss.. He is God regardless of anything we could think of..
Thank you boss for turning up🙏🙏

Smiles... You're always welcome bro

Weldone Chief of Staff...
I sight thee sire
How far our Trumpeteee

 9 months ago  

Your Excellency...
Next time our trumpet go lap.. surely surely 😀😀

Wow... I never knew this song can be this slow and cool because of different versions I have been hearing on social media.

This is amazing and thank you for reminding me that I'm not alone and that God is with me.

 9 months ago  

Thanks allot mhizerbee for your kind comments..
I do appreciate them✌️💙

Hummm, very nice voice, indeed Jesus is only the assurance we have when things are not working again. The bible says, look into Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith. When we have riches the end point he is still in control. Thanks for this.

This song reassures us that we are not alone even in difficult situations, Jesus is with us.
And we are so confident that God will always make Mays for us.
Such an inspirational song.

Senior man qey sabi everything, i hail you the alone man, hehe
It was nice listening to you bro.

Hey Ovey, it's been long I saw your face
You are looking good

Neeja has been dropping us inspiring songs recently
I loved this song when I got to know the lyrics.

This is beautiful I must say and your fingers are getting magical❤
It wasn't Hausa today😁

I think you did a great job here.
It is an interesting one and an amazing cover. Well done.

Es un canto hermoso, acompañado en tu post por palabras valiosas, @ovey10 . Tienes una voz muy bella y tocas la guitarra dulcemente. Me gustó mucho escucharte. No se si sabes que estamos en la primera semana (hoy jueves es el sexto día, aún puedes participar) de un evento de música cristiana. Me gustaría verte compartiendo tus canciones allí. Haz click acá:

It is a beautiful song, accompanied in your post by valuable words, @ovey10. You have a very beautiful voice and you play the guitar sweetly. I really liked listening to you. I don't know if you know that we are in the first week (today, Thursday is the sixth day, you can still participate) of a Christian music event. I would like to see you sharing your songs there. Click here: