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RE: Brain Dump | Morning Musings

They always have to work extra because they’re not poor enough to receive any type of aid but also not too rich to afford things.

Spitting out facts. Gets taxed more because the class can afford more than the poor but not enough disposable income to pay for tax lawyers or accountants to mitigate taxes like the rich folks.

I really want to enjoy reading as others do. Maybe one of these days I can finally enjoy reading again and getting out of my reading burnout.

Piece of unsolicited advice, don't go reading Hive posts too much, a lot of posts here are carcinogens incarnate with a bow tie, my shitposts included. You're in the wrong neighborhood.

 2 months ago  

Gets taxed more because the class can afford more than the poor but not enough disposable income to pay for tax lawyers or accountants to mitigate taxes like the rich folks

That too! paying personal tax account is pretty pricey too. IDK but it's safe to say the govt lives off middle class income haha

It's definitely harder to find anything worth checking into these days.But sometimes, I find something worth reading. I also spent most of my reading on actual book or some journal research 😂