Almost got hit but really not really

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago


So, basically, this morning I rushed to get on a bus because I thought I was going to be late. However, on closer inspection, it turned out the rush was all for nothing and I just needed a little more patience.

In the process of rushing for one bus, I actually almost got hit by a different bus. Well, to be honest, it wasn't exactly a near death experience or anything like that.

I was completely aware of my surroundings and the distance between me and the bus. I admit it was unwise to rush for the bus but it was the most fun I've had in all the mornings that I've been going to work.

It's all contextual, to be honest. In Nigeria, this kind of occurrence is every other day but around here, it is a near death experience.

 2 months ago  

Slow down!