Extra weekend for the weekend


So, Monday's a bank holiday, which means I'll be getting an extra day to chill. Normally, Sundays feel like more like pre-Monday than a weekend but with the holiday on Monday, I get an extended weekend.

Honestly, three days of weekend makes more sense than two days. I don't know why more companies can't just make it four working days and three rest days.

Anyway, the weekend has been quiet, for the most part. I spent most of it playing video game and watching football.

Arsenal got a straight forward victory against Bournemouth while our title rivals, Manchester City, got a victory against Wolves. Next weekend, we face Manchester United at Old Trafford while City travel to Spurs home ground and I'm hoping for a miracle.

We haven't beat Manchester United at Old Trafford in a long time and Manchester City typically gets their ass handed to them at White Hart Lane. So, both teams are approaching the end of the season, facing their bogey teams.

I believe that whoever gets a victory between Arsenal and Manchester City will win the league. At the same time though, there's Liverpool just a short distance away and if both teams at the top drop points against their bogey teams, Liverpool will also be in the running on the last day of the season.

In terms of gaming, I've seen myself make some incredible progress in the way I play COD. My ranking has gone up a bit and I've been playing without fear.

I also now use riot shield and a baton as my main load out. No need for guns. Straight up ass whooping.

Anyway, not much else to say about the weekend. I'm happy for life and I look forward to even more weekends. How's your weekend going?


Hey weekends are the best for me, especially on Sundays. It's a day I can finally relax and do the things I love without stress. Thank you for sharing your weekend 🌺