The late train

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago


There are few things more annoying than running to the train because you're late. I try to always be at least 10 minutes earlier than my train to avoid running and today, I got a timely reminder of why it is important to be early when I saw a gentleman running to his train.

I don't think I have ever witnessed a more frantic run in my life. He was moving like his life genuinely depended on getting on that train and well, it just might.

I got off at Leicester around 8:40 and just as I was walking out and into the station, I saw a dude frantcally running to the train.As he was running, he actually dropped his earphones, looked at it as it hit the ground and didn't flinch as continued running to the train.

As he ran, all I could think about was the rat race and what it actually does to us. Considering the time of the day, it is safe to assume that he was running to catch it because of work.

As I continued my walk to my own place of work, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him and also do some introspection. I say this because at some point in the coming months, I will probably be in the same situation with that guy due to unforeseen circumstances that happen in life.

The dude frantically running after a train is all of us. We're all doomed to chase after that train until our legs give up.


I could relate with this, because I knew quite well that when you miss you time, you will pay another money which I feel the person didn't want to do again and also the time to meet up with whatever he wants to do. That's why it's good to be early to anywhere you want to go before the deadline.

 2 months ago  

I used to be this person as well but then made it a point as well to be early thanks to experience and my wife. It’s far better overall to be early for things!

I generally try to be on time as well but sometimes it's just not in your control. One time, my train was cancelled and I had to call my team leader on short notice to inform him.

Hope he didn't get late or anything since it sounds so important. I know this feeling of being late since i do this all the time. No matter how much I try to be early I just can't. I can't imagine being late for work that could maybe get you fired though, that's scary.

It's happened to me a few times and I'll tell you, it is a terrible feeling. When it happens, you're almost certainly going to have a terrible day