Train Track Training

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago


Publishing daily has proven to be more difficult than I envisaged. However, I try to take mental notes of events in my life to share.

There hasn't been anything new to report right now but I did experience my first train delay on Tuesday. The reason for the delay was walking the fine line between comedy and tragedy.

Now I don't know the reason why anybody would be hit by a train but my first assumption is that the person was suicidal. Mental health issues are no joke and I'm not trained to talk about it, so I won't.

On the hand, the news said that a person was hit by a train and didn't say anything about the way it happened. I don't want to believe it happened this way but I'd hate to think that someone was ignorantly walking on the tracks and got hit because they didn't know the train was there.

Anyway, what I'm yapping about is that the reason I was late for work on Tuesday was because someone was hit by a train along my usual route. So I had to take a slightly later train that made me 20 minutes late for work.

Yeah, don't know how things went with the person that got hit by a train but I'm pretty sure they're going to need a bit more than just pain killers.

Anyway, that was my first unexpected event since I started using the train. It happened on Tuesday and since then, it has been smooth railing since then.


What I use to do when I was writing daily, I had a page/folder on my phone where I was writing about anything noteworthy during my day. You will get more than enough inspiration with it.

That makes sense tbh. I'll try that out today and see how it goes

 2 months ago  

Sucks someone got hit by a train but they most likely wanted it.